11 Types of Video Content for Every Phase of the Customer Cycle.

When it comes to video production, there are a number of angles worth considering – and I’m not talking about literal vantage points here. In other words, there’s more ways to leverage videography than you might think. In today’s digital world, a majority of business owners publish media that’s geared towards selling a product or service. They don’t exactly think of the entire sales cycle. So today, I wanted to talk about the types of video content you can use to promote your brand and better engage your ideal customers.

While you most certainly don’t have to invest in each, all will give you a better idea on how to take your business to the next level. At the end of the day, consumers (who are people) want to see and hear from people. They don’t want to listen to bots or a radio announcer tell them what to do. They want to feel your brand aura – and they ought to. It’s their hard-earned dollars we’re talking about here. When coupled together in a seamless way, each of these features can really enhance value perception.

At PreFocus, I’m not in the business of helping companies improves sales pitches. I’m genuinely passionate about the authenticity of your brand. Keep this in mind as we roll through. Hopefully, you’re even able to come away with a couple of ideas.

1. About Us Videography.

This type of video production is pretty straight forward. Anyone creating a website or some form on online presence ought to be looking to promote the mission, vision and values of the company. While you can type all of this out, it will always be received a lot better when it’s communicated by the face of the brand. Who you are, what you do, how you do it and why you’re invested is absolutely crucial when it comes to loyalty. This kind of footage details your origin story, purpose, and inevitably where you plan on going.

Depending on the extent of your offering, this could be short and sweet or extremely long. At the end of the day, this is totally up to you. But your ability to extract and spread out the video content will make a big difference. What I’m trying to say is, don’t try to cram too much into one feature. If you’ve got a lot to say, present and overview and segment the details in later videos.

If you’re manufacturing a product, talk about the specifics of your ideation. What problem are you looking to solve and why? If you’re delivering a service, you better be able to stand out. What makes you unique and why would people appreciate it? No matter the root of your business, you have to be able to encompass the experience. Out of all the types of video content on this list, the way you present yourself starts here. So take it seriously.

2. How-It-Works or Explainers.

This type of videography is becoming more and more popular every year. People want to know how to do things themselves. Sure, you can write out the instructions or explain how to use something in a – but nothing beats a visual example. To me, watching an online video about drivetrain mechanics is a lot more understandable than sifting through a manual for my 1992 Chevy. Taking the time to invest in some quick pointers or detailed tutorial can go a long way for any business – even if you’re a service company looking to explain an app.

3. Customer Video Testimonials.

If you really take the time to truly analyze this type of media, it might shock you. Although you may have thousands of reviews on Google or Amazon, a couple dozen video testimonials is usually far more appealing. These days, you just never know who Dave M, Suzy B, and Geoff R might be. If you’re not catching my drift, I’m talking about pictureless, hand-written reviews that could’ve been bought or left by someone’s mom. People don’t know who or what they can trust anymore.

Data and “leverage” is sold all over the place in 2023. An ability to see someone, look them up and confirm they were actually a customer carries a lot of weight. While it may seem like overkill to invest a few hundred dollars to grill your customers about their experience – let me be the first to tell you, it’s not! If you’re afraid to ask satisfied customers why they appreciate you, then how are you even in business? Did your grandpa hand over the company to you or something?

If you take the time to ask, you’ll find that most people will be more than eager to help you out. It actually ends up making them feel even more special. Quality companies usually grow through word of mouth anyways – so you might as well capture some footage to share yourself!  Out of all the types of video content to choose from, testimonials are normally the most rewarding.

4. Brand Culture Video Insight.

No matter what any videographer is filming, the culture should always be the focal point. Finding a way to showcase the personality or identity of the business is important – at least it is to me. Nonetheless, there are plenty of ways to go about capturing this in a stand alone video production. A swift pass through from a number of angles to encompass the architecture, design, layout, amenities and people is usually enough to do the trick. Videos that provide insight on the culture don’t always require a lot of talking.

The reel can be fun, serious, insight or personable. Either way, the atmosphere speaks for itself. If you are looking to produce something with more of a featured spotlight, then it’s never a bad idea to include a voiceover. Sometimes, simple conversations with employees, leaders or founders can really brings out the essence of the culture. In contrast to the about video and others that I’ll mention below, verbal insight needs to stick to primary promise and aura of the brand.

5. Thank You Videos.

Out of all the types of video content examples, this is by far the easiest to produce. Whether you’re thanking someone for subscribing, submitting a form, donating money or supporting you in any way – and personal thank you video goes a long way. Think of it like a hand written card. It makes people feel a lot more special than a generic form of appreciation. Every business owner has 5-10 minutes to sit down and record and thank you.

These can be posted on stand alone pages that are redirected after some sort of conversion (on or off site). Welcoming a subscriber or first time customer with a personal video is just as effective. You’re taking the time to actually tell someone that you appreciate their attention or business.

6. Event or Occasions Footage.

Many businesses don’t even consider promoting what they do behind closed doors. While some have good reason, others don’t. Any way you can encompass the actualities of your company, do it! Are you hosting an awards banquet, charity event, company outing or even an in-house brainstorm? Capturing it and sharing bits and pieces on social media (or writing a blog about it) only increases your chances of getting in front of your customers.

Most any form of authentic content is extremely valuable. It also gives you an opportunity to let your hair down a little bit outside of the office or workspace. Although it may seem like a bit much, try me. Any short video is a qualitative approach with quantitative measures – even if you’re shooting from the sky.

7. Updates or Announcements.

Some types of video content may seem unnecessary, but updates or company announcements shouldn’t be viewed that way. Whether you’re making internal or external changes to the business, some form of communication is essential. Not everyone will get that email or make the meeting. Having a process that allows you to broadcast changes, big plans or exciting news is invaluable. While not every business has a premier video studio, it doesn’t take much to ensure people (in general) are in the know and on the same page.

I personally like the way the Desoto County Chamber of Commerce handles their weekly updates. The gal uses a little microphone and keeps things under one minute. Good stuff, easy production.

8. Educational Videography.

If you have a website and any type of social media presence, you’re more than likely already invested in some form of educational content. It’s not too difficult to find a topic that the general public wants to learn more about. The problem is, writing a blog just isn’t as effective as showing someone speak on their knowledge. Even when business owners or key employees are unable to teach something, an expert can always join in on the conversation. This is called affiliate marketing.

Think of it as a guest posts. Relevant topics that are discussed openly create a lot of intrigue. When you’re able to show consumers that you care about providing accurate and detailed learning, they tend to trust you more. It’s just another way to get in front of people and show who you are as a person – instead of typing things out behind a screen ( like I am right now). Out of all the types of video content to choose from, finding a way to teach people your knowledge is a gamechanger.

9 . Informative Videography.

Unlike educational content, an informative approach has more to do with the specific knowledge and experience of people within the culture. Think of it this way: instead of teaching, you’re invested in learning. This is where interviews with team members, management staff, directors, leadership (in general) and even partners comes in handy. Speaking on the industry, different trends and how ideal customers can improve their lives or better use their products and services is a good way to build trust.

Many companies do this by hosting a video blog or podcast. When an array of topics or subjects are tossed around, a ton of information is processed and shared. You can host special guests to attract more viewers or venture out of the office for random conversations with the general public. Participating in stuff like this often creates an endless supply of original ideas for blogs or social media posts.

10. Interview Videography Sessions.

Even though I’ve mentioned this a few times already, a true interview is a lot different than sporadic, question-and-answer sessions. In reality, this can be one of the more complex types of video content to produce. In most cases, you’re going to want to have questions planned out ahead of time – and even approved. In my opinion, the best interviews are always off-the-cuff; but they are very uncommon for major business. They just don’t like the vulnerability.

Nonetheless, interviewing every level of an organization and its customers is a great way to curate some quality, unique content. If you can avoid approaching it like a media session, any form of authentic conversation can really generate some buzz online. Although some look for a reason to hate, most people want to hear what a business and its people have to say. Keeping things simple, relevant and safe can make for an intriguing production.

11. TV Commercials or Video Ads.

Advertising is the last of my types of video content worth mentioning. In 2023, you cannot discuss the sales cycle without media drive sales pitches. I mean, they’re everywhere. I won’t go into too much detail on this here, but a lot goes into this form of production. Not only do you have to consider the neurological insight required, but also perception and remembrance. Many ads are focused on repetition or humor, but the best are always rooted in quality an value.

With that said, be purposeful with everything you do guys – and always remember to Prefocus!


A Quality B-Roll Brainstorm Session to Enhance Your Video Content.

No matter what I’m working on, brand identification is always at the forefront of my mind. If you’ve read or watch and of my stuff, it’s hard to ignore my branding prerogatives. So I wanted to start to PreFocus more on content creation in general – video content in particular. Creative direction has always been a passion of mine. It’s a lot of fun blending purpose and value in production projects. Whether I’m filming a talking head or telling a story, the quality of the presentation matters. So I thought I’d have a B-Roll brainstorm session to provide some pointers on visual appeal.

Regarding action footage, there are tons of topics worth covering. But nothing beats an off-the-cuff thought starter. Any business or personal brand can easily improve their video content by capturing purposeful B-Roll footage. So here is a little inspiration and a few ideas on how you can improve your videos to enhance your presentation and overall perception.

1. Using B-Roll for Scene Transitions.

The first thing you want to focus on is your transitions. If you’re going into a new room, entering a building, leaving the scene, changing topics, or simply ending the video – you want to have a quality transition that makes sense. Sometimes, simple B-Roll footage like the twist of a door knob, key turn, wave, drive away or pull in can be enough to keep viewers engaged. Transitional concepts are truly endless.

The sun could be setting, it could be rising. A waterproof camera could submerge into or emerge out of water. A drone take off (in and out) or landing can be extremely captivating. Smoke or steam is also a great way to blend scenes together. One of my favorite transitions is the use of an obstruction. It’s really easy to do when you’re following someone that’s walking and talking or the camera is in motion. If you’re going into a drawer pulling out a prop, nobody wants to see your back or watch you fumble around. Providing a little action helps you entertain and draw viewers in while giving you time to present adequately.

Oftentimes, videography involves a little bit too much action or quick movements that distract the audience. Jumping back and forth from different angles may provide some variation, but it can be nauseating to watch. When you’re all over the place, it detracts from the purpose and intrigue of the content itself. When you really take the time to think about it, sensible, smooth transitions are truly invaluable.

2. Detailing Video Topics with B-Roll.

Another thing I covered in my B-Roll brainstorm session is the importance of filming close-ups of the activity itself. Visual examples of an interaction, demonstration or the topic at hand inevitably builds trust and credibility. For example, if you’re filming a pickup game of basketball, there are a number of things worth zooming in on. Although match-ups can be fun to watch, you can communicate a lot more by showing how someone interacts with or reacts to the dribble. What kind of shoes, socks or gear are they wearing? Is there a lot of sweat dripping from their brow? Are there any onlookers?

When two people are meeting up to discuss an idea, how can you show them coming together for a common goal? This could be a firm handshake, an embracing hug or even big smiles with unique salutations. Like Chris Voss said in his book, Never Split the Difference, “Emotions aren’t the obstacles to a successful negotiation, they are the means.” Firmness and delicacy can be visually expressed in many ways. Body posture or waste down footage also provides different vantage points that detail the characters involved.

close up shot of a glass with water in it at eatery with drink powder added and stired for b-roll affect during video shoot by prefocus solutions near memphis tn

Thought Starters for Action Based Footage.

During a B-Roll brainstorm session, remember that relevancy matters – even if it’s a chirping bird in the background. If you happen to be filming a sporting event, don’t muzzle the sound of a referee’s whistle. Recognizable noises don’t have to be seen as a distraction. You don’t have to film the entire referee, but a split-second close-up of the whistle is easy to do. So zoom in on the blow and the stature of the action.

Taking people’s attention away from the action eliminates unnecessary pauses and awkward moments. It’s the little things that speak volumes and pull people into the actual setting. Catching an object (ball or a pen across the room), nonverbal, or facial reaction only adds flavor to the production. Even raindrops hitting the face, or a subject catching a snowflake on their tongue, shows a videographer’s keen ability to communicate detail. Showing and telling viewers what’s going on gives them a better understanding of the full picture.

Physical contact is another great way to detail relationships and the way people interact. Holding hands, touching a shoulder, side hugs, and general comfort levels can all be expressed via video. The way an individual adjusts their own apparel or fixes someone else’s tie can say a lot. The angles of these shots should also be considered. In short, intimacy levels are obvious from an observant vantage point. Every moment can elicit specific emotions.

Natural B-Roll Footage is My Favorite.

To me, walking around in nature (or the woods behind my office) gives me plenty of opportunities to capture amazing video content. It’s also a perfect place for a B-Roll footage brainstorm session. Every season provides a different setting that presents a unique perspective. Leaves, sticks, mud, snow all sound different when walked upon. How can you capture rainfall, streams, or water droplets falling from trees? What kinds of plants and animals are in the surrounding area? How can you incorporate these things with purpose?

close up b roll videography of grill with bison meat for local farm near desoto county mississippi by prefocus production services some of meat is flipped with hotdogs to the side

One of the easiest things you can film for B-Roll is the wind. Even though it’s invisible, moving air affects nearly everything around us. Swaying trees, runaway debri, hair, flags, kites all encompass the wind. The effect it has on people, animals or an activity itself also provides additional insight on the overall setting of the video. At the end of the day, a warm breeze is nothing like a cold gust of air. If you can hear water rushing in the background, then find it! What’s it look like? Where is the best angle? How can you skim across a stream or scale down a waterfall?

Understanding how to leverage sprinkling rain or a downpour also helps a videographer eliminate distractions. How does the rain interact differently when it hits the ground, surface of water, or an object like an umbrella? Is the main character affected by the water? What are they wearing that caters to the environment? Do the elements affect their demeanor? How can you communicate someone’s personality or fortitude in the moment? Instead of waiting for a sunny day, could the shower communicate something? If you’re filming indoors, can you still paint a picture from the outside?

Positioning Your Camera’s Focal Points.

Remember, perception is everything when it comes to video content. Whether you’re shooting from the ground level or above, an ability to encompass the scene in entirety is extremely appealing to viewers. It’s just like writing a story. You want to be as descriptive as you can so people will feel as though they’re a part of that moment-in-time. Talking at people with a lazy or cheesy presentation just isn’t as effective. If you want to execute a return, then captivate them with an original production. It’ll always speak louder than a predetermined script.

The angles at which you capture B-Roll footage are also advantageous. Aside from nature in general, what else is going on in the background? Are the skies clear or cloudy? Are you dealing with sunshine at noon? How can you incorporate dawn lighting or a colorfully forming sunset? What are some unique specs about the space you’re in or shooting in front of? What about the overall environment or geographical features in your area? Is there anything that stands out and how can you incorporate these things into the mission of your video?

If you’re filming one person, how are they interacting with their surroundings? What are they intrigued by and what builds the intrigue around them. If you’re having someone walk down a flight of stairs, how are they coming in contact with the railing? Are you able to get subtle audio if they’re wearing rings? What other elements might they run their fingers through? How are they positioning their hands and what does this communicate? There are so many things worth filming to add a little zest to your content.

video title screen for b roll ideas by prefocus production strategy near memphis tennessee jordan trask

Examples of Brainstorming for B-Roll.

Before I wrap things up, I wanted to detail two simple settings to show you how simple it is to pull away from those you’re filming. I may not be as organized with my presentation here – but spitballing and unloading ideas is the whole point. Something will stick during any B-Roll brainstorm session.

1. Filming Video Inside a Vehicle.

In this type of scene, you might be shooting video of someone driving, people in the back seat, or just the car ride in general. Either way, there is enough to work with. You might feel limited or a little overwhelmed (in a tight space), but do your best to think outside the box. With that said, what’s going on outside of the car? Is the weather bad? How is it affecting the driver? Are they daytime driving or cruising at night? Can you see the stars? Is it a full moon that provides additional light? What about the terrain? Where are they going or coming from?

What do the tires look like spinning? Determine if certain elements are affect the rotation. What kind of tires are they, or what are they designed for? Are you traveling on gravel, a dirt road, the highway, rural, urban or neighborhood setting? What type of shape are the roads in?  What about the paint job, body details, and engine? How does the vehicle sound as it’s passing by or as you trek along with it? Zooming in on the grill, manufacturer details, rust, sun spots, license plate and even bumper stickers say a lot about the owner.

dusty dash of honda ruv during short video reel for wholesale reseller near memphis tennessee production ride along videographer jordan trask prefocus solutions

Finding a Seat Inside the Car Ride.

Remember, perspective matters. So how are you able to encompass the vantage points of the passengers? Looking outside through the windows, windshield, sun roof, or rear view mirrors is a great place to start. From here, try to determine if other vehicles affecting the ride. An 18-wheeling or railroad crossing can be unexpected at times. Is there a lot of traffic or are you traveling on an open road? How does this affect everyone? The more ways you’re able to create a relatable setting, the better.

Once you’re inside, take a look at all of the features, gadgets and compartments of the vehicle. Like the rest of this B-Roll brainstorm session, what actions are taking place? Are there things being opened, closed, pushed or pulled? Does the vehicle have to shifted manually? What buttons are being utilized and what music is playing. What do all of these things sound like? What’s actually in the glovebox or console? There could be maps, magazines, snacks or random items stuffed behind or under the front seat. Are there TV monitors behind the head rests? If so, what movie is playing and why?

What is the Environment Itself Like?

The cleanliness of the vehicle also communicates quite a bit. Is there trash everywhere or dust on the dash? The belongings that passengers bring along also paint a picture of the trip itself. Do they have blankets and pillows along? Is the climate inside comfortable for everyone? Are people getting along? If not, what’s causing problems and how are they being solved? When the temperatures are freezing outside, are you able to capture frost around the windows? Is the sun shining in people’s eyes? Do they have sunglasses or a hat to block the rays?

At the end of the day, there is plenty to focus on inside of a vehicle. So don’t overthink things during your B-Roll brainstorm session. It doesn’t matter if you’re filming a simple conversation, travel experience or full blown documentary. Zooming in on the details will never let you down. Imagine what you can do in a much larger setting.

mac book pro sitting on desk by open window at memphis tennessee office place original photographer images by prefocus signifying shutdown for content about maximizing blog posts jordan trask

2. Shooting Footage at the Office.

An office setting may seem even more overwhelming. There are a lot more doors, drawers, compartments, handles and buttons to capture – not to mention designs, decor, furniture and rooms. But when you have a strategic shot list that make sense, the production process is a breeze. Try to be creative with the way you go about things. You don’t have to just focus on computer power buttons and keyboards. What about the buttons on drinking fountains, coffee makers or vending machines?

While the exterior of the building can help you create a quality intro, indoor B-Roll footage is what makes the space pop. Are there TV’s, whiteboards or projector screens in surrounding areas? Is there a lounge, break room or kitchen? What do each of these spaces entail? Quality furniture and equipment says a lot about the space. Is it comfortable, outdated, bland or exciting. How do people get along and who’s interacting? What’s the climate like? What do people love most and what embodies the energy of the space. All of the little things matter – especially if you’re trying to capture a culture and not just a space.

Purposeful B-Roll Footage Works.

When you’re able to pull away from the action and showcase the surroundings, viewers are able to stay engaged. If you’d like to schedule a B-Roll brainstorm session before shooting your next video, I’m always down to spitball. Either way, be purposeful with everything you do guys!

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Why Social Media Design Elements Matter.


jordan trask prefocus solutions standing outside in striped collared shirt talking about designs for social media posts and importance or content cohesion and brand consistency consultant near memphis tennessee

One of the first videos I ever published was about social media design elements. I remember thinking: what kind of advice can I offer that most business owners rarely ever consider? Color combinations and contrast have a lot to do with value perception. An unattractive presentation is essentially unprofessional. In my opinion, it’s also unacceptable. Social media design elements matter.

If a business owner is really trying to drive new acquisition (and not just “likes” from family and friends), they’re not going to impress many with popular memes and a low quality display. Designers and creative strategists are paid off of talent and experience for a reason. You get what you pay for – and you pay for what you don’t know. At the end of the day, any brand should want to enhance the way they’re perceived.

What Do I Mean By Design Elements for Online Content?

First and foremost, when you don’t pay attention to the cohesion of your designs, consumer trust tends to suffer. At the end of the day, you want your content to be recognizable. You want people to see one of your posts or campaigns and immediately think of the product or service you provide.

Over time, you want people to start remembering a core value or promise when they stumble across your content. Even image guidelines improve brand recognition. When everything looks the same on social media, advertisements and web pages – the perceived value (level of quality perceived) drastically increases.

It’s hard not to create a good first impression when consistency is at play. Constancy (constantly consistent) is what I like to call it. You don’t have to be an expert designer or extremely talented individual to develop sound designs and concepts for on and off-line marketing efforts. But you have to understand what not to do. So let’s take a look at a few “No-No’s” when it comes to social media designs elements.

What to Avoid When Designing Social Media Posts:

If you’re looking to publish some designed content online, consider:

  1. The background,
  2. Your typography.
  3. The contrast of colors.

If you’re using a white background, use a darker font. If you’re using a dark background, worth with a lighter colored font. For example: green, orange, purple or blue is not going to look good on red. Yellow, orange, pink or lime typography is not ideal on white. A social media display shouldn’t draw away from the inevitable purpose of the post. Why wouldn’t you want it to be easy on the eyes?

Like I mentioned before, quality content gives consumers a chance to trust your brand and click through (to read more) with confidence.

Why Should You Avoid Poorly Designed Content?

If web surfers can barely read a post, or it’s frustrating to figure out, you’re working backwards. Once you ruin the first impression, it’s awfully hard to reverse their perception. If you don’t have an eye for design, you shouldn’t be approving or assigning them. It can be a lot more costly than you think.

It’s not that big of a deal to pay a few hundred dollars for assistance (or even invest in a brand book). It’s going to maximize your returns every time. Pursuing a true element of creativity that highlights your brand identity is also extremely favorable.

One Bad Social Post Ruins Many First Impressions.

Some business owners don’t even know that social media users can unfollow and even block company pages when they see something that disinterests them. If social media design elements are the least of your concerns, you can still be wasteful. An offensive or misunderstood message (or image) can easily detour potential customers – or even cost you loyal fans.

If you don’t want to be seen as an average option, don’t look like one. Take the time to understand why blue font on a pink background is a terrible idea.

How I Can Help at PreFocus.

Those of you needing help mapping things out, your first consultation is always free. It’s only $125/session after that. 90 minutes of value could be all your brand needs to get over the hump and really make an impact in the marketplace. I also offer media services in the Memphis, Tennessee area.

Be purposeful with everything you do guys, and always remember to PreFocus.

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3 Good Reasons to Update Website Images.

black and white headshot image of bearded man in suit facing to the right prefocus solutions logo down tunnel purposed to update website images for real estate entrepreneur near memphis tennessee to enhance conversion rates page views and improve seo rankings

Building a high quality website in today’s digital realm isn’t as cheap and easy as many would like to think. From structure, to development, design and messaging – it’s a lot to make sense of. Routine optimization and general maintenance aren’t a walk in the park either. This is why many business owners trust someone else with their money. But if you don’t know what you need, how do you know you’re not getting taken advantage of? Just think about it.

Advantages of Quality Visual Representation.

Any quality website producer should know the importance of original photography. If they don’t at least point out the opportunity, they don’t care. There are plenty of reasons to embrace authenticity and routinely update website images.

1. Meaningful First Impressions.

If you’ve followed any of my content in the past, you know how I feel about stock photos. No matter how you look at it, consumers want to see who’s behind the business and the way it works. Aren’t transparent companies a lot more appealing? Skipping over the chance to establish a unique memory that’s tied to your brand is ignorant. If there’s only one gal at the welcome desk, she ought to be on the homepage. If she doesn’t like being the center of attention, then maybe she shouldn’t be the first touch point.

There’s a sense of reassurance for customers when they’re able to see who they’re talking to or interacting with. Stock photography leaves a lot to be desired. To some, it may even communicate that you have something to hide. When you’re trying to sell me something, you can’t expect me to receive insecurity well. It doesn’t take a lot of time or effort to update website images from your smart phone. Say hello, show your process, capture an interaction or how something works; you won’t regret it and visitors won’t forget you.

musical-strategic-partnerships-in-memphis-for-sound-production-dj-big3z-holding-quality-headphones-towards-camera-lens-for-updated-website-photography black and white smile first impression

2. Up-to-Date Photos Build Trust.

Out of date information is one of the biggest mistakes businesses make when it comes to website management. Look, I get it. Running an operation is a lot of work. Hiring and firing in itself can be strenuous. The last thing you want to worry about is setting aside time to remove photos or add new faces to the site. But it only becomes more of a hassle the longer you put it off.

Believe it or not, inaccurate communication can leave people misled or even lied to. When you take the time to update website images, (new and old) customers will know that you care about presenting them with accurate information. Even seasonal imagery is of value. You may view your website as a lead generation tool – but consumers view it as an extension of your experience. You expect your friends to posted updated pictures of their families on social media right? If they don’t, does it cause you to think something might be wrong? Think about it.

When Should Brands Update Website Images?

If you move to a new office, make sure old landmarks or location-specific visuals are taken down. Promoting the new place can be a content strategy in itself! It’s not always about selling. During new employee on-boarding (or orientation), add headshots and an “about me” questionnaire to the process. If you’re hosting an event or sponsoring something, take some photos and share them!

Like many things, having a plan always makes things a lot easier to manage. Routinely scheduling company-wide media updates is a good way to generate up-to-date information and reward the culture. If you care about value perception at all, you’ll make it a priority to update website images. It’s one of the easiest ways to stand out in crowded markets. Reviewing content and handing off adjustments doesn’t have to be a difficult process if you don’t want it to be.

woman crawling down blow up water slide tunnel during employee partner event near memphis tennessee for updated website imagery to improve seo and local reach with prefocus solutions

3. SEO Rankings Will Improve.

Many business owners forget that imagery is content as well. Every picture on your website has title tags, an alt text, and is tied to a certain page’s authority. While you may think you’re saving money by avoiding updated photos, it could actually be quite costly. $300 could be driving you an extra conversion every month for the next year. When you have the same image on multiple pages (or you purchase a stock photo many competitors are using), you’re limiting organic reach. The same is true for old photos that aren’t optimized.

Aside from the technical SEO, image file size plays a big role in SEO scores. A picture on your site may load fine on your desktop; but how does it perform on somebody’s phone – while they’re traveling? Not every browser is the same. When images are too big load times suffer. Slow speeds increase bounce rates (leaving in under 10 seconds) and diminish overall search authority. I think we can all agree more organic traffic is a great reason to update website images on a regular basis.

co workers of quality mechanic culture standing outside after a long day in branded attire back of truck black and white edit from low angle by prefocus solutions to update about content website pictures to garner more traffic and customer awareness memphis tn

Additional tips to Update Website Images.

Being purposeful and setting standards is extremely rewarding. When it comes to digital media, one of the best things you can do is establish imagery guidelines and editing styles for certain forms of content. Professional visuals with a “look and feel” that matches the brand identity create an even more memorable first impression. At the end of the day, background images on flyers are going to look a lot different than a featured images on blogs. So define these things!

If you want to implement a cohesive design (or series of designs) for social media posts, then formulate the template on the front end. Doing so has a number of advantages. If you’re in the habit of hiring different contractors when needs arise, structure ensures you remain consistent. It also saves you a lot of money over time. It may seem like overkill to constantly update website images, but trust me, it’s a hidden gem that keeps visitors on site, builds loyalty and improves conversion rates.

Unique Blog Ideas for DIY Influencers That Believe in High Value Content.

Let me start off this article by saying this: blogging is not an easy task. It’s even more grueling when passion, knowledge and/or skill is lacking. No offense; but consumers deserve better. Any ethical venture requires a consistent foundation. If you disagree, you don’t have to keep reading. The fact of the matter is, most people underestimate the concept of high value content and quality readership. It’s easier to cover popular culture and collect affirmation than think outside the box. But it’s so wasteful. Coming up with unique blog ideas and developing original content is far more rewarding.

Choosing Between Qualitative & Quantitative Marketing.

If you’ve been blinded by this, be honest. Believe it or not, you’re not alone. Some of the most genuine, creative voices are never heard because they try to stand out in a crowd that’s wearing the same thing. There’s no reason you have to follow suit. Three quality pieces of content will easily outperform fifteen trendy topics every single time. When the value is higher and the competition is lower; it’s a lot easier to be found. Focusing on high volume keywords or publishing a high volume of blogs (quantitative) won’t get you much traction.

Not many “marketing” (sales) agencies will tell you this, but modern content strategies are rarely original. Despite premium pricing, cheap contractors are usually hired to duplicate popular articles. This eliminates the need for a creative process (most important element of writing) and keeps costs low. Paying for unique blog ideas is risky if you’re the expert. So I thought I’d highlight the DIY industry to better explain the benefits of originality.

Why DIY Pros Could Use a HQ Content Boost.

Those of you that are passionate about teaching people how to do something have to be willing and able to stand out in a valuable-sort-of-way. Even with knowledge and skill, you’re not going to captivate anyone by doing what’s already been done – especially if you’re just getting started. Even with a market share, discussing trends and news stories that have nothing to do with your value is obsolete. This is selfishness disguised as information in order to stay in front of your followers (which defeats the purpose of your influence).

When you have consumer attention, it’s imperative you buckle down and find where the real opportunities lie. Many of you just need a little help getting in front of the right audience. Studying who you might serve best is a great way to kindle momentum. Give yourself some credit and set aside time to think. There are tons of things you know or see differently that are worth putting into perspective. Jumping on the bandwagon of popular (high volume) search phrases only distracts you from your element of appreciation.

How High Value Content Aids DIY Bloggers.

Unique blog ideas generate far more awareness, build confidence and elicit trust while improving search engine rankings. High value content like this may not immediately place you in front of thousands of searches, but it’ll grab the attention of ideal viewers that want to share your stuff. This is a lot more difficult when you’re an option. A quality first impression also makes it easier to keep people engaged and supportive. Wide-net approaches only lengthen your journey.

Understanding this will help you become more than common and intentional with other areas of your life. It’ll also help you formulate a sensible brand identity.

Take this topic for example. At first glance, it may seem like I’m targeting bloggers and influencers with ambition. I might come off as a “rah rah” kind of guy. But the fact of the matter is, they’re not my ideal audience. Truth be told, I don’t think many of them would hire me anyways. DIY stuff is normally produced by hobbyists with a FT job and minimal budget. Earnings tend to be reinvested. Helping this group find their footing is a great way to explain my value and potentially change someone’s life!

This is also a topic lazy marketers wouldn’t dare copy haha.

Examples of Unique Content for DIY Influencers.

In case you haven’t yet picked up on what I’m laying down – content marketing efforts don’t always have to be about the “ask”. Investing in quality will breed certainty that grows over time. To many of you, the long game will be worth it because it’ll better equip you. So ignore the finger-crossing-activities that place you into a bucket of options and start building a foundation of high value content. In the meantime, here are some unique blog ideas that should spark your creative juices.

1. Content Ideas for Gardening Blogs.

When it comes to planting and growing things, there are so many different approaches and methods. Even though you’ll never cover them all, it’s good to be open minded. You never know what you might discover and be able to share. For example: Those of you with no-till gardens could try tilling a patch of soil and comparing the results. You could plant a few fruit trees, try something tropical, or talk about prep for a Christmas Tree lot. Even ideas can be valuable. A few hours a week on something new will give you tons of content. Just make sure you write it all down!

Some of the simplest of things, like how you start seedlings, can elicit tons of unique blog ideas. Where do you buy seeds? What has failed in the past? What type of lighting do you use? Do you start all of your seeds indoors? Are they under lights, in a greenhouse or straight in the ground? Do you have a different process for each plant or are they all nurtured the same? If you don’t use fertilizers, explain why. People love a story that means something. Have you tried natural remedies on any plants? Do you treat the soil? Why do you do what you do or what have you done that gives you confidence in your methods?

Every Gardening Task is Worth Explaining.

No matter what topic you focus on, do your best to maximize every inch of detail. From the soil composition to post harvest activities. Make an outline of everything you do and brainstorm with people who know gardening – and those that do not. Get feedback and organize questions so you can answer them in story form. Be vulnerable and talk about stereotypes, misconceptions or common failures. Be willing to learn about terrains and climates outside of your region to reach new audiences and educate your current one. Even the discussion of environmental factors, like flooding, will improve your credibility.

Last but not least, find ways to talk about yourself. Why do you enjoy gardening and what sparked the interest. How did a passion for it transpire? How has it been beneficial in your life and who have you been able to help or vice versa. Personalizing your channel or blogspot is the best way to establish trust and a relationship with viewers. Most will be able to relate to something you share – so don’t be shy!

2. Unique Homeschooling Blog Ideas.

This is something that I’ve seen explode over the past few years. Since many parents are partaking in homeschool for the first time, information is in high demand. But after researching quite a few channels, there aren’t many influencers talking about the psychological side of things. A majority of the chatter surrounds program reviews, the entertainment of kids, organization and finding “mom time”. Anybody that’s willing to cover tension in-the-home, personality testing (to assess learning capacity), discipline and progress reports (for parents and kids).

I think it’s safe to assume there are millions of parents overwhelmed right now. If they’re reaching a breaking point or their marriage is suffering, they don’t need to know how to be more fun and engaging. They need to learn how to manage the transition and the set of emotions that come with it. While it’s tempting to focus on what the student needs, most parents are not trained teachers. They have to put the oxygen mask on first – so to speak.

You Never Know the Real Impact You May Have.

Daring to bring up real things that people are avoiding will most certainly draw dialogue. It’ll also encourage families to talk about problems and know they’re not flawed for having them. All it takes is one person shedding light on a shadow. Doing so will open up new conversations, giving you plenty of unique ideas for your DIY blog.

Reminding parents that every child is unique by exploring personality traits and learning styles is also a good place to start. There are tons of ways to  At the end of the day, you only know what you know. So if you’re going to be helping people with homeschooling, you better have vast knowledge of the whole spectrum. Education is far more than choice curriculum, personal planning and home decor.

3. Unique Topics for DIY Home Decor.

This is another space of content explosion over the past couple of years. With so many people banking on real estate and remodeling, everyone wants a piece of the pie. While some DIYers have plenty of experience and skill to warrant quality readership – others simply know how to captivate an audience. Either way, the competition is extra thick in every category. So I’m going to tailor these unique blog ideas to the hobbyist that has a decent social media following. Interior design is a whole different art.

First and foremost, with so much information out there already, you need to pay attention to what’s been written as well as the author. Working hard on an article you’ll never rank for is ignorant. This is why creativity and thought matters. (Ie: ‘DIY decorating vs Interior Design’ hasn’t been written but ‘Interior Design vs Interior Decorator’ is very competitive by major sources) Looking for opportunities instead of inspiration will help you come up with unique blog ideas and avoid duplicating high value content.

The Value of Creating Homes Spaces on Your Own.

After my wife showed me a few DIY decorators the other night, I couldn’t help but notice many of them were simply trying something for the first time – like floating shelves for example. These accounts are popular because they show women they can do things themselves. So if you’re looking for unique ways to generate a audience, be vulnerable with your achievements. Shed more light on the process. It’s the whole purpose of DIY, right?

The little wins you’ve accumulated over the years have obviously given you enough confidence to start blogging about it. How has it affected you? Have you overcome anything? Did you struggle with anything before? Did decor give you an outlet? What are some of the benefits of decorating your own home? Organize your thoughts and garner feedback to help you establish a definitive list that can dominate the search category. Be detailed about the different reasons homeowners try DIY. What are some of the tools, apps, guides, plans, materials, finishes or simple tips that make home decorating easier?

Differentiating Yourself With Thoughtful Insight.

Don’t just talk about colors and shades and design. Obviously these things are important – but is it really your forte? Is the goal to inspire people to create their own space or to duplicate your inspiration? (I’d say that’s a major difference between designers and DIYers) Either way, topics (with questions) that help homeowners determine the look and feel of every room would definitely help you stand out. There are endless personalities, behaviors, interests and preferences in the home worth talking about.

Watching you hang a floating shelf for the first time is definitely inspiring – but don’t simply settle for the kudos. Explain how the shelf can be used and modified. Find out who likes this style the best and talk about why. Maximizing your content helps you take a proud moment and add a little value.

4. DIY Workout Content Topics.

Since I rambled a lot in the first three categories, I’m going to keep this one simple. When it comes to high quality fitness content, consumers want to follow someone with a personal fitness journey and loads of education (or personal evidence). These two things are pretty much a prerequisite. From here, you’re going to want to figure out some sort of specialty that has to do with your experience and strengths. For example, if you’re more quick than fast, stick to agility over speed training.

What types of muscles, ligaments, joints, tendons and bones play a role in one’s agility, burst and acceleration. How important of a role does the core play? What kind of cardio, maintenance (stretching, treatment, recovery, etc) and weight training exercises will benefit every component? There’s 30-40 unique blog ideas right there. Taking the time to detail one area of the body (as much as your education allows) only adds value to your ability to plan workouts. Keep it simple. One little fact every day will draw people in.

5. DIY Epoxy Table Blog Ideas.

This is another little hobby that a lot of people are trying. The thing is, it’s really expensive – and not a lot of table makers (or woodworkers) are being transparent about it. Although it is a fairly simple process (with the right tools), educating people on the risks, potential problems and consequences would be a good idea. I know it can be difficult to promote mistakes, but this actually builds trust. Everybody knows craftsman make mistakes time to time. Teaching people how to avoid what you did is the definition of selfless consideration.

Influencers that have had a lot of success building epoxy tables usually produce content that’s creative. It shows their work and how they did it. I think I’ve seen every which way these things are put together now. But very few talk about the little details of the project. What types of frames are you using and why? Is your decision based on price, stability, convenience or trial and error? How might the average joe go about making a decision that’s best for him? Do certain materials work better for bigger tables? What are some of the issues or advantages of each material?

Prove The Handiwork Takes Knowledge and Skill.

What are the misconceptions of the project and what have you learned personally? Have you tried anything new that’s worked better than something you used to believe in? What should enthusiasts know about working with epoxy? Why is it so expensive and what dangers does it pose? How important is the mixing process and how much time do you have to make the pour? Is it OK to “eyeball” measurements? If you overfill the slabs, is it that big of a deal? Are there any tips or tricks for cleanup or to make things less messy? How long should you really let it cure and how can you go about cutting it?

Although it’s tempting to generate a following that gawks at your skill, don’t be afraid to prove your worth. Even if you have to give away a few secrets, you have to know that most people aren’t able to do what you do. There are tons of questions surrounding epoxy tables just waiting to be answered. Jump on Quora and see for yourself. I’m going to go ahead and assume you’ve spent a lot of time trying, failing and trying again. So use some of your experience and certainty so you can stand by the price of your tables.

6. Unique Blog Topics for DIY Photography.

This form of art is nothing new and there’s advice all over the internet for both amateur and professional photographers. From styles, to shades, equipment and lighting – opinions are certainly not lacking. But no matter the amount of information available, creativity cannot be bound. It’s why I’ve always enjoyed helping my wife build her photography business. There are so many elements that go into a quality product. Every single time you freeze the frame, there is an opportunity to learn something new. So talk about it! It’s that simple.

Personalize Your Vantage Point and Build Off Ideas.

Explaining how your style or approach has evolved and who has influenced you over the years is another great place to start. Let your passion, reasoning and drive shine through. At the end of the day, every experience you have as a photographer is different than another’s. Discussing sessions, placements, obstacles, interactions, locations and sporadic ideas will showcase your attention to detail and build rapport. What you do when there’s cloud cover, direct sunlight, rain, or the wind blows a certain way is always worth sharing.

Over the years, I’ve spent a lot of time developing unique blog ideas for Danielle. We’ve talked about our top spots in different sub-cities, DIY lighting, managing events, taking photos for your business and even creating recipes. Helping people take good pictures isn’t just about the camera, subject and settings. Knowing how to work with people, get them to smile and feel comfortable is just as important. It’s easy to publish your work and talk about it – but it becomes valuable when people are able to take something away.

The Cost and Brand-Saving Advantages of a PreFocus.

I’m working on a few new video series here in Memphis, TN. So I wanted to share an outline I made a few years ago that helps explain why it’s advantageous to work with PreFocus. I know society tells you that you have to buy into the flashy stuff or agencies in order to capture the attention of ideal consumers. But it doesn’t have to be that cheesy guys.

Focusing on what you do and why you do it really well is enough to generate attention and drive credibility. Being cool, funny or extra random these days might seem to be it – but marketing quality has always been the bullseye.

At the end of the day, this isn’t a sales pitch. There are so many different things we can discuss that’ll not only improve your current marketing efforts – but the overall equity of your brand. So, here are some of the things I help my clients focus on. 

A. Stop Getting Burned by Flashy Overpromises.

Many sales pitches sound really good. But the solutions are normally basic.

  • Most popular concepts don’t even make sense for certain industries
  • Marketing efforts usually take around 90 days to analyze. Even Ads.
  • Client reports are often full of skewed data that’s misleading (likes).
  • Do you know why so many agencies deal with high client turnover?

Nobody can “do it all” for a major company without access to some talent.

  • Most “marketers” pocket large budgets and hire cheap contractors.
  • They read a book, buy a guide or take a coarse and become “experts”.
  • Cookie cutter strategies remove creativity from marketing efforts.

Buying from entrepreneurs, adopting strategies or buying guides is limiting.  

  • Trying to learn and do things yourself will only stretch you thin.
  • If you don’t differentiate your value, you become a stagnant market option.
  • Investing in your brand, it’s culture and your customers has a higher return.

You need to work with somebody that’s motivated to understand your offering and listen for your value. Someone that can assess the market accordingly and piece together a purposeful strategy. It’s a tremendous peace of mind when your marketing has sound direction. When you’re able to focus on the business, you get to really reward the customers that support it.

B. Implement a Form of Marketing Accountability.

Do you really need to become an expert at marketing? The answer is a big no. The problem is, many business owners are hesitant to throw large sums of money at uncertainty – and rightfully so. The issue lies with trust. Even if you hire a CMO, it’s still hard to know if you’re heading in the right direction or not.

Unless someone is truly able and willing to immerse themselves in the business, it’s normally a lost cause. So here are some questions to determine if some marketing accountability needs to take place.

Do you know if your marketers legit or telling the truth?

  • Would you like to know if you’re wasting $500 a week?
  • Are you managing KPI’s or do you just relinquish cash?
  • Do you have a list of expectations and goals you need to see? 
  • Will you need to change course or cut ties with someone?
    • Have you had to go through a transition before?

Are you paying for good work AND getting a solid ROI? 

  • Do you know what quality looks like and how to price it out?
    • Have you met everyone working with your budget?
    • Have you ever compared plans or contract details?
      1. Many content strategies are $1200-$2000/mo.
        1. Blogs and social posts based on trends and holidays blah.
        2. Is the investment any different or better than competition?
      2. Is longform content being broken down appropriately for reach?
        1. Does every publication have a minimum of 12 touch points?
        2. Do you know how to measure the cost and return of views?
  • Did you know it’s more expensive to fix or reverse ineffective marketing?
    • My resources have taken over plenty of bad sites with a number of costly errors. While these things can be fixed (and paid for twice), a bad first impression takes time to overcome. Anything from grammar to spammy backlinks can deter people. Other things – like stock photos, convoluted pages, slow responsiveness or inconsistent designs – can also hinder perception. High priced sites need accountability and an experienced advocate to establish cohesion.
    • Are you aware of the multitude of “olay” social media strategies?
      1. Buying features, followers and likes from pools of managed accounts.
      2. Advising people to do things for attention instead of strengthening value.
  • Are you guilty of “doing what you’re told” by phony “experts”?
    • Did you know that mediocre efforts could actually be costing you thousands per year?
      1. Did you know there are plenty of ways to effectively spend $5K per month?

Do you know how to spot cheap, lazy marketing companies?

  • Do you know how to look past sales pitches and identify trustworthiness?
  • Have you ever gotten help when it comes to things you’re not experienced with?
  • Would you value an extra set of eyes and ears during interview sessions?
  • Are you marketing with unrecognizable branding, low cohesion and poor professionalism?
  • How do you know if an agency lacks originality or quality SEO services?
  • Do you shop around or simply compare the loudest options available?
  • If you’re basing your decision on price, do you know why?

Direction improves leadership ability.

When you invest in a PreFocus, you’re able to make intelligent, confident decisions.

  • Strengthen competence – what to cut and when to invest.
    1. Less hesitation and focus on things you’re not skilled in or at.
    2. Regain control of and change your business.
    3. Ensure you get what you pay for.

Even though the industry has gotten a bad wrap, it’s still important to get marketers what they need.

Working with an expert helps you see the value in being creative and thinking things through.

  • Many companies easily spend $20K/mo on new acquisition strategies.
    1. Better intent and spending improves P&L statements.
  • What’d it be worth to make sound decisions and trust your spending efforts?
    1. Know that someone else has your brand’s best interests in mind.
    2. Vision and control for far less than your current budget.
    3. You don’t have to hire a salary position – just access when necessary.
  • Experience the growth you envisioned when you got started.
    1. Same budget, better decisions focused on an identity that makes sense. 

How About an Example to Bring it Home?

Think of marketing like farming. You can’t just scatter seed or hire some people that claim to be seed scattering experts and hope something grows. Different types of seed requires different elements to thrive and some seeds have no business being thrown in certain climates. If you’re starting a farm, why wouldn’t you want to find a farmer to help? Now maybe that’s a cheesy analogy but them seeds cost money don’t they?

  • If the produce was less than because you did it your way, would the return be worth it?
  • What if the guidance helped you reap two-fold?
  • Good marketing isn’t cheap but bad marketing shouldn’t be expensive.

So if you’re unsure how to tell the difference, see the opportunity, or simply ask the right questions; then a little help can go a long way. So give me a call and see why it’s advantageous to work with PreFocus in 2022. I’m not in business to make money. I’m in business to create lasting memories. Be purposeful with everything you do and always remember to PreFocus.