Jordan's PreFocus Message

Learn more about my approach and enjoy reading about ways to improve your marketing strategy.
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Authentic Martial Arts Videography Shoot.

Authentic Martial Arts Videography Shoot.

In my opinion, today's corporate landscape has really watered down the local martial arts marketplace. It's not that quality programs have lost their muster; it's due to the fact that national brands and franchises take over commercial centers with lower prices, newer...

Advantages of a Brand Book for Business Endeavors.

Advantages of a Brand Book for Business Endeavors.

In a nutshell, a brand book is an index or style guide that a business can reference at any time for marketing and advertising purposes. It's most commonly used for website redesigns or other design projects. There are a number of advantages of a brand book – but...

6 Ways to Enhance Trust for a Personal Brand.

6 Ways to Enhance Trust for a Personal Brand.

A lot of people think they have to force feed trust in order to gain credibility. But this just isn't true – nor is it marketing or even close to brand clarity. The fact of the matter is, persuasion does not have to involve pressure or crafty measure. If you really...

3 Good Reasons to Update Website Images.

3 Good Reasons to Update Website Images.

Building a high quality website in today's digital realm isn't as cheap and easy as many would like to think. From structure, to development, design and messaging – it's a lot to make sense of. Routine optimization and general maintenance aren't a walk in the park...

What Does Brand Clarity Mean?

What Does Brand Clarity Mean?

When you understand who you are and the descriptive phrases that define your business, you really begin to develop brand clarity. You start to realize how you should be marketing. What you should be saying - and how you should be saying it. Most importantly,...

My First Annual 25 Days of Christmas Campaign.

My First Annual 25 Days of Christmas Campaign.

When March 2020 arrived, I was ready for a vacation. After kicking off the year with pneumonia, I soon found myself overwhelmed with projects and client meetings. Although it was one of the most profitable times of my life – it took a lot out of me. By the time I was...

The Cost and Brand-Saving Advantages of a PreFocus.

The Cost and Brand-Saving Advantages of a PreFocus.

I'm working on a few new video series here in Memphis, TN. So I wanted to share an outline I made a few years ago that helps explain why it's advantageous to work with PreFocus. I know society tells you that you have to buy into the flashy stuff or agencies in order...

6 Ways Businesses Screwed Up in 2021.

6 Ways Businesses Screwed Up in 2021.

While this may seem like a harsh take, it’s not. Opportunity is always left in aberration. If you really want to build a brand experience, then you probably know that desperation or a lack of focus will muddy your identity. In the ever-changing realm of marketing, far too many promises are being broken. So give yourself a chance to be purposeful.