Custom Logo Designer in Memphis, TN
When it comes to branding your company, starting with your logo is not the first step. Understanding who your brand is and who you serve plays a big role in the developmental process. When creating your custom logo design, I consider a plethora of elements that help us build a quality logo that makes sense to you and your customers. BrandingContact JordanConvey an Original Message
Keep it Simple, Silly.
A Unique Design is Key
Request a Logo Discovery Call
Step 1: Getting to Know you.
Step 2: Icon Selection
Step 3: Typography Determination
Step 4: Revising Your Logo
Step 5: Deliver Finished Logo
Hand Drawn & Vector Logo Designs
Here are some additional custom logo designs that I've sketched and uploaded into Illustrator.

Arizona Media Logo
This logo is a great example of how I hand draw logos before finalizing the design. This was for a film company.

Evolution Cleaning
This germ-like design centers the company’s mark in specific colors with an ability to write out the company name.

Colorful Mascara Cosmetics
I initially drew a “pretty eye” that wasn’t creepy for a cosmetic company. I added the shadow to convey eye shadowing.

Danielle Jacqueline Photography
This isn’t your ordinary photography logo of a camera. If you look closely, you can see the “DJP” included in the design.
See Where a Brand Identity Can Take You.
Aside from a custom logo design, it’s important to develop an aura or experience. Taking the time to establish an identity and brand personality helps direct all future marketing efforts. We actually put together a brand book and style guide for you. If this interests you, let me know!
Creative Logo Enhancements
Minor Revisions Improve Customer Perception.

Example of a Custom Logo Design Revision
Creating a logo doesn’t have be a complex process. But, every element of the design needs to be cohesive and make sense. In this example, you can see that there isn’t much purpose to the initial brand creation. It’s almost as if the company icon was forced into a typography party. The text also has no personality and doesn’t create appeal.
Since the local company is in the medical industry, the brand needed to be perceived as trustworthy and professional. The Phoenix bird isn’t necessarily relevant to the brand. There’s no need to overwhelm the design with it. The logo also has contrasting red on black coloration.

How I Revised the Logo to Showcase Value & Appeal
I started by softening the black background so it wasn’t so hard on the eyes. I then changed the font and enhanced “RISE” so it was the central focus of the logo. In order to draw the attention to the brand, I used the bird icon as a complimentary piece. I also rotated the bird so it was actually rising upward. By matching the color of the bird with the description, I was able to help the company name stand out even more. As you can see, the new logo is in italics and looks as though it is taking off. The icon is actually initiating the lift off. The last step was creating color variations for my client to choose from.

Creating a Custom Style Sheet for Your Logo
When designing a company logo, it’s important that we consider all design variations for social media branding and print media. Typography isn’t always clear on every channel. You have to consider the fact that most potential customers are viewing your business from their mobile device. Instagram is a great example. Conveying cohesion on all of these platforms is important. This is why I also offer branded icon formats in my custom logo packages.