How SEO Understanding Improves Client Campaigns

How SEO Understanding Improves Client Campaigns

Many people believe search engine optimization is simple keyword choreography. In reality, it's much more than that. Learning how to understand the search itself - customers behaviors, emotions, values and intentions - allows you to execute organic strategies that work. But most importantly, methods that are purposeful and make sense. Let me tell you a little bit about my story..

In college, I was always fascinated with misleading advertisements. Not because I was impressed, but because I was frustrated with the intent behind them. So many consumers were shafted during the early “dial up” internet days. It bothered me that the integrity and ethics of a new dimension were being taken advantage of. In 2000, the FTC even published an article titled “The Rules of the Road” that addressed most of this.

Now, I know advertising has always been full of heavy words that lack real meaning – but preying on people rubbed me the wrong way.. I knew this wasn’t what the internet was made to be. I knew that telling people where to click and why they should would eventually expire. But, it’s taken a long time.

What Does Advertising Have to Do With SEO?

After my brother had entered my parent’s credit card 6 times for that “free” Playstation, I knew I was destined to make an impact in the online spectrum.  Not to expose these types of advertisers, but to be a part of the user experience revolution we’re now closing in on.

Aside from my eventual goal of creating a top Super Bowl Commercial of all time, I’m motivated to become a thought leader in content strategy. Not just creatively, but purposefully. This doesn’t mean writing blogs to capture searches. It means curating content that informs or educates visitors on a certain voice that means something to them. It’s about using that voice to encourage them to buy into the identity and value of the brand. You can mislead them into clicking, but when you possess their trust they come back. They share your content. They’re aware of you.

When people click on the Google search bar today, they want to find what they’re looking for. They don’t want to view the company that spent the most money or hoarded the most keywords! They want a memorable experience that answers the actual question they’re seeking. SEO is changing and I’m glad I’ve positioned myself to be a part of the transformation. Let’s take a look at my PreFocus..

So, Where Did My SEO Understanding Begin?

Most everything I’ve done over the last 7 years has been geared towards search engine optimization. What’s more fulfilling than giving consumers what they want, right?

Kicking the Tires in My Spare Time.

My SEO Experience started in 2011 when I began researching online user behavior and marketing relevancy. I’ve always been intrigued by informative search and the sales cycle – beginning in the customer awareness phase. In other words, I have a thorough understanding of informative vs needs recognition search phrases. Either consumers are seeking knowledge or they’re looking to become aware of a product or service. They’re also being exposed to a brand that can eventually service them. Knowing how to leverage each for different initiatives has allowed me to excel in the organic search realm.

During this time, I was a retail store manager working 70 hours a week. My passion allowed me to find time to work on freelance projects for local websites of friends and colleagues. Being committed to original copywriting allowed me to curate website content based on the value of the company and the identity (wants, needs, behaviors) of ideal customers. I should have charged a lot more, but I digress.

Search Driven Relevancy Ads.

After growing tired of the retail environment in 2013, I decided to follow my passion My first pit stop was with a search ads company that utilized a cop op database for behavioral retargeting. Simple right? When I started, my main responsibility was sales presentation and client management. But, I was driven to retain clients by executing media buying efforts that focused on search intent. The keywords I targeted (as well as the ads we targeted users with) were all geared towards the user’s search behavior and visited website (cookie) data. Although this was a paid advertising (CPA/CPM/CPC) company, an organic search strategy was important to client success and ROI.

Getting Creative With Content and SEO

In 2014, I took an improved position with a marketing agency as an SEO and content strategist. I started off by analyzing competition and developing keyword research methods. After some success, I became responsible for maintaining 24 websites and corresponding organic blog strategies. For new website builds, I was in charge of creating the site map and keyword mapping document for design and copywriting implementation. For blog posts, I would identify focus keywords, research phrase variations, analyze competitive performance, outline the SEO understanding and manage our writers for implementation.

I focused on a mix of high volume search phrases and long tail keywords that correlated with the client’s value propositions. After 6 months with the company, I was head of the discovery process and advised clients on content strategies that improved their domain rank and on-page SEO. Each of our clients saw at least a 12% increase in traffic and an improved conversion rate.

Building a Company Around Medical Keywords With Intent

In 2015, I took a position with a medical start-up company that lacked a web presence. After 3 months with the company, I improved PPC ROI from 3:1 to 24:1 by revising their keyword strategy. I know PPC is different from SEO, but you need to analyze search intent in both cases. Moreover, PPC and SEO understanding should go hand-in-hand and I implemented a plan for this. Instead of curating SEO articles based on popular medical keywords across the country,

I focused on local keywords that were relevant to patients needing on-site medical specialties. Since we offered a different service than most providers, I wanted to make sure we weren’t chasing general searches for private practices. We wrote articles that patient care facilities (one of our target audiences) would be interested in and redesigned the website to funnel organic searches that needed improved care. Not only did this improve conversion rates (patient registrations), but it increased website traffic by 1000%.

My SEO Understanding With a PreFocus

In the last year, I’ve create website mapping documents for 12 different companies. Ive also written numerous blog articles for SEO purposes. My most successful post was with Big3z titled: “Top 5 Production Tips Before Your Next Studio Session.” Since this client was a music producer, he needed to target amateur artists that weren’t really sure how to go about creating music. This placed him as a thought leader in the space and allowed him to garner return clients.

I take pride in a through discovery process that formulates the identity of the brand so the conveyed message speaks clearly to my client’s ideal audience. I’ve participated in a few speaking engagements on the importance of this. I’ve also consulted numerous clients on brand development and organic strategies. Aside from on-page SEO understanding, I’ve also managed organic social media campaigns and YouTube content. I use a similar strategy for keyword management and off-site messaging.

Understanding SEO is important in almost everything you do online. Not only do you need to understand how your customers think and feel, you need to know how they search. Taking the time to put all of this together allows you to hit a home run the first time, with consumers that want, need and appreciate you the most.

Understand Your SEO Opportunity

I'd love to help you formulate a strategy that focuses on you and your customers. Feel free to schedule FREE analysis or get started on your search content today. Best in success nonetheless!
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How to Build the Best Marketing Strategy for Construction Companies

How to Build the Best Marketing Strategy for Construction Companies

Marketing for the construction industry isn't as complicated as most think. In today's age, the promotional industry is filled with fluff and agencies telling businesses what they need to do. But in reality, companies simply need to focus on who they are, what they really can do, and who they serve best. In this article, I discuss some of the best ways to construct an effective strategy by highlighting authentic value and purpose. I'm not here to garner likes and shares on social media - I'm here to drive recognition and loyalty.
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1. Develop a Mission and a Personality

developing-a-marketing-strategy-for-a-construction-company-jobsite-photographer-in-phoenix-arizonaIf you follow my purpose, you know how passionate I am about brand identification. Without this, you’re only perceived as an option with a price tag. The first step in building the best marketing strategy for construction surrounds your first impression. Creating a mission statement is a no-brainer, but a company mission gives your audience something to get behind. A mission doesn’t just include what you plan on doing – but how you will accomplish it.

In addition to trust, people are willing to pay more for an entity they can identify with. Telling people why they should pay you, or how you plan on building amazing projects, just doesn’t resonate. It’s important that you create an aura around your ability to build. When someone (or a group of people) are considering your services, what can you promise them? No matter what you’re constructing, what do you know they’ll experience? Thinking long-term, how will this influence the industry or improve it’s generalities? The purpose of your marketing efforts isn’t to convey your ability to erect sturdy buildings – it’s to drive recognition and loyalty. This begins with your mission.

Once you solidify a promise, try to understand what type of personality suits it best. For example; if you’re big on safety, then communicate your marketing strategy with safety as the central focus. Your mission might be to decrease on-site injuries by implementing routine tests and check ups for your employees. The personality of your brand would encompass a cautious and strategic contractor with awareness of his or her surroundings. Anything outside of this will waiver from your promise and decrease your value.

2. Know What You Do Really Well

blueprint-for-how-to-build-the-best-marketing-strategy-for-construction-companies-through-authentic-messaging-with-a-prefocusThis is where a lot of businesses falter. As I already mentioned, it’s important that you avoid throwing yourself into a bucket of options. Now that you know your mission doesn’t have to pigeon-hole your capabilities, you need to realize your actual competency won’t either. If you want to build the best marketing strategy for your construction company then you have to commit to being recognized for what you do extremely well.

I recently did a webinar on brand identity development and highlighted a residential plumber as an example. Pete was really good at bathroom drains. He’d been addressing this home feature for most of his life. When building his brand, he needed to focus on this to drive home credibility and trust. It doesn’t mean he can’t help homeowners repair their sprinkler systems or dig up commercial sewage lines – It means he committed to attracting clients by marketing intentionally and harnessing what he does really well.

Marketing is all about intrigue and engagement. Once you execute construction projects based on your experience, you’ll be able to expand into other areas. You don’t necessarily have to niche your construction business, but being known for something is better than being shopped for bids. When you take the time to combine a purposeful mission with a bread and butter service, your reputation will skyrocket. Don’t focus on what you want to be known for – rather what you actually do better than anyone else. The rest will fall into place.

3. Determine What Sets You Apart

construction-plans-imagery-for-best-marketing-strategy-consulting-in-phoenix-arizona-by-prefocus-solutionsDifferentiating businesses is my favorite aspect of marketing. No company is the same, even in the construction industry. If you’re looking for the easiest way to build the best marketing strategy for construction, then this step is for you. When it comes to contracting, your corporate DNA (or company hierarchy) can really help set you apart.

Every member of your team brings something different to the drafting table. I hate seeing so many companies fail at leveraging their own talent. Not all bids are considered on pricing alone. Experience, integrity and team efficiency plays a big role in the outcome of construction projects. Showcasing the track record and accomplishments of your team can go a long way. Being authentic with your presentation helps you create that first impression that’s hard to ignore. It can help you win a bid based on peace of mind alone.

Aside from the squad, what else can help you stand out? Are you using an above average software? Does your crew use top-of-the-line equipment or materials? Are you able to work overnight shifts? Do you have partners or streamlined processes that aid timelines and efficiency? Do you have safety measures that are above a beyond industry standards? Do you have sharp uniforms or vehicle graphics that garner appeal? Have you completed any unique projects that you can display on site as case studies or time lapses?

All of these things are common sense when writing a bid. But when you leverage them as value propositions, it gives you an advantage on the front end. This is why a marketing strategy for construction is so important. It can be easy to wait on leads, but consider the type of business you can obtain by building brand equity. When you create intrigue with qualitative value, people have a desire to be a part of your story.

4. Focus on Your Target Audience

Much of what we already discussed isn’t going to make much sense if you don’t know who you’re speaking to. Marketing in general is all about resonating with your target audience. It’s crucial that you’re able to create some sort of emotional or intuitive appeal through your efforts. Once you’ve solidified the aforementioned areas, you’ll want to cater it to those you need to reach the most. Although the construction industry varies immensely, there are a few areas I want to share that will enhance your strategy.

Define Your Audience First

Understand the basic demographics of your targets. This means, their geographical location, behaviors (online and offline) and attitudes. Not everyone is prevalent on social media – so don’t waste your time marketing in one area that may be irrelevant. Consider how an advertisement or message might be perceived. Timeliness of the exposure is also key. Knowing where they are and when they’re looking for you makes a big difference in ROI. So if you’re building a marketing strategy for construction companies, focus on the majority while avoiding a wide net approach.

Create Branded Drivers

Based on your ideal target audience, what added benefits can enhance your construction marketing efforts. Do they value convenience or affordability? Do they make decisions based on emotional attachment or something they can relate to more? Are they the type of people that consider status or the way your company makes them look to their partners? Are they going to appreciate certain societal or environment benefits of doing business with you – such as green building or energy efficiency? Knowing your targets helps you uncover what types of added benefits will appeal to them best.

Focus on the “buy-in” Cycle

Focusing on your audience truly helps you decrease spending while harnessing appeal. When delivering your strategy, you’ll need to consider all phases of the customer journey. The general awareness phase is when they first become aware of your entity. They may not be in the market, but it’s an opportunity to be remembered with your messaging. This is typically where you target demographics and job titles. The needs recognition phase is when they’re beginning to map out the project. There are a number of ways you can target them here to increase exposure. Whether it’s through partner channels, email marketing or online search ads. This is also true in the informative search phase as they begin gathering information on relevant options.

Creating the best marketing strategy for construction around these three initial phases is critical. The last three phases involve bid shopping, the project timeline and post project experience. Having a purposeful message in each of these phases improves the experience exponentially – as well as your ability to land the project.

5. The Best Marketing Strategy for Construction is Consistency


The last step I want to touch on is dedication to consistency. If you really want to learn how to build the best marketing strategy for a construction company, then you have to focus on cohesion. This is why I started the article with a definitive promise and personality. Staying true to your promise, no matter what you promote, initiates intuition and allows you to be perceived as valuable.

Companies fail with marketing when they waiver from what they do well and what differentiates them. Time and money is wasted when they aren’t focused on their customers. Harnessing your mission and who you serve best is a recipe for success. Cohesive construction marketing allows you to attract partners and talent that values what you do and what you stand for. As I said before, marketing is all about establishing a trustworthy culture and brand loyalty. Don’t be known as a construction option, be recognized for your reputation.

Learn More About My Services

Marketing a construction business can seem overwhelming – but it doesn’t have to be. I focus on foundational elements to help you position a your brand with authenticity in mind. I’d love to schedule a FREE strategy session with you to see where opportunity lies. I simply want to help you improve, so there’s no investment obligation. 

How to Develop a Brand Identity Webinar

How to Develop a Brand Identity and Market Accordingly

I started my business because I saw a disconnect in the branding and marketing process. After witnessing hundreds of businesses fail due to inadequate marketing, I knew I had to do something about it. I'm passionate about bridging this gap so business owners can focus on what they do and streamline their new acquisition efforts with loyalty in mind. In this PreFocus webinar, I hammer down on my process for branding and positioning in order to inspire you to promote efficiently. In order to garner emotional and intuitive intrigue, a brand must harness who they are, how they serve and who they serve best. By doing so, they're able to formulate a marketing strategy using cohesive messaging, brand drivers and value propositions.

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10 Brand Consulting Benefits to Consider

Jordan's Strategic Brand Consulting Benefits

Hiring a consultant to help you establish and grow your brand may seem like a shot in the dark - but working with a competent individual that cares about the success of your brand can be a game changer. Let's take a look at the beneficial value of PreFocus consultation.
Consulting DetailsAbout PreFocus

Consulting Benefit 1: Brand Identification

Every brand is different. The way companies and professionals are perceived directly correlates with the way they express themselves. Following standardized strategies and processes has led us to an age of marketing that discourages differentiation. In order to convey unique competency, it’s important to deliver an identity alongside the specific value you bring to the industry. So I thought I’d talk about some of the benefits of my brand consulting services.

My consultation begins by focusing on the personality of the brand. Everything we work on together is geared towards experience and a concrete ability to serve and satisfy. I know first hand how inadequate branding can hurt an organization, it’s image, even culture. By harnessing an identity, we establish a consistent appeal, message, and voice that speaks directly to consumers that value the solution you’re providing.

Anything outside of this realm is considered wasteful until we’re able to sustain and scale the business. We only begin to explore relevant opportunity once we’ve executed a brand identity and are recognized for our competence. As you’ll notice throughout my strategic consulting benefits, everything funnels from this discovery process.

Consulting Benefit 2: Balance Bottom Line.

In my opinion, there’s a plethora of ways to eliminate wasteful spending. For starters, a lot of companies lose a heck-of-a lot of money investing in unnecessary staff. Everyone wants a marketing, business development, or sales team – but what’s actually necessary? Having these conversations help us determine immediate needs so we can allocate reasonable options. It may behoove you to hire a few part time freelancers or ambassadors to satisfy these needs. But, leveraging strategic methods that are more precise and effective is your best bet. You can even outsource HR these days. My point is, you don’t need to hire, train, and provide benefits if you don’t want (or have) to. Moreover, you don’t have to put $1000 into that publication ad because your competitor is. We find a better way!

From my experience, the most common form of bottom line blunders comes from chasing new acquisition. Out of these 10 brand consulting benefits, my clients value this the most. Whether you’re chasing via ads, social media posts, sales teams, cold calls, or other forms of content – you must execute purpose. Avoid low value customers for general awareness and target those in need. We cater to them at the right time and on the right channels while avoiding a $1500/month retainer to your local marketing agency.

Consulting Benefit 3: Avoiding Temptation.

I’m not going to lie, this can be the hardest benefit for my clients to stomach. But, caring about the success of your brand is more important, right? To be more specific, avoiding temptation refers to the number of ideas business owners tend to have on a daily basis. I’ve worked for a few companies that literally drowned in their own ideas instead of simply sticking to their value. There’s no need to expand here or there until you’re recognized for that value. Hiring an internal staff to process your requests may bolster your ego, but it’s not going to bolster the brand. A consultant that takes the time to research ideas and provide honest feedback is invaluable.

Moreover, some of the spam flying around (via cold calls and emails) can also be pretty persuasive. It’s my job to help you eliminate the noise and focus on the here and now. When you hire me, we only focus on building a trusted entity – nothing more. Moving on from ideas or removing yourself from irrelevant sales funnels will benefit you in the long run.

Consulting Benefit 4: Relaying Consistency.

No matter what company I’m involved with, the demographics and roles are always different. Although the stakeholders are responsible for solidifying an identity, it’s the organization’s duty to honor and relay value consistently. Most consultants or marketers will tell you that it’s up to the marketing team to convey a consistent message. But, I couldn’t disagree more. Not only is it imperative that sales and marketing are seamless, but that those under the company umbrella know (not just understand) the brand aura and message.

A diluted presentation begins with the avoidance of a channel cohesion and brand education. Whether you hire a new employee, partner with someone, or outsource a team – they all need to be on the same page. Any kink in the chain will cause a chain reaction. Not only internally, but with your customers. I help you set brand standards and ensure work groups are relaying them accurately and consistently.

Consulting Benefit 5: Keeping It Original.

For whatever reason, traditional branding has been lost in the marketing shuffle. It seems like small business owners believe they only need a sleek logo and catchy tagline to attract customers. No matter what you think, consumers will always be more drawn to personalized products and services that speak to them. Just ask America’s next generation, who leans on experience and credibility. I’ll never understand why companies place themselves in niche categories only to be compared with other options within the space. But what about original strategies?

Not only do I take pride in helping companies establish their differentiation, but I help them showcase it. Society seems to have forgotten “personal touch” and most believe they can succeed (or stand out) with general media or stock photos. I don’t see this lasting long – especially with most businesses fully migrating online. There’s just too much competition to not consider an original presentation that establishes a memory. If we take the time develop a promotion, I believe in being as original as possible. From copywriting to production, this is the “butter on the bread” of my brand consulting benefits.

Consulting Benefit 6: Partnership Channels.

My referral network plays a big role in my ability to serve. I believe strategies and creative projects benefit from local partnerships that value quality. Face-to-face interaction is important. Having been in the marketing and advertising realms for quite some time now, I have a good feel for who (or what’s) needed when certain situations arise. In my opinion, leveraging professionals or people that do a specific thing well is the way of the future.

The do-it-all marketer does not exist – especially when they’re trying to balance multiple clients! Dialing in on certainty and purpose with genuine people makes a whole lot of difference. Today, far too many brands are trying to do far too many things. Their marketing is all over the place, vying for attention instead of value. If you’re struggling in Memphis, a local team can really do wonders for your business.

Reliable Relationships Matter when it comes to Business.

Staying true to who you are and what you do well is a solid recipe for sustainability. The best part about building (and working on) relationships is that most people you invest in will invest back into you. At the end of the day, this all comes down to respect – and I work hard for my clients as well as others. Surpassing expectations requires sound support and ethics.

So, one of my brand consulting benefits is that I share this network with you when you need help with something specific. Many times, I am not experienced or highly skilled at what you need done. I could do my best, but it would be a disservice to you when better options are available. I don’t get any kickbacks or percentages – rather comfort in knowing you’ll be taken care of.

Consulting Benefit 7: Championing the Brand.

In order to continue to gain traction on the recognition front, I truly enjoy leading the charge as a brand ambassador. Aside from ensuring everyone in the organization understands what the brand stands for, I personally help build awareness on my own time. I take pride as an extension of you and never hesitate to highlight those I that invest in me.

In other words, working with me as a consultant gives you access to free promotions throughout my network. Although I don’t consider myself an employee, I’ve spent quite a bit of time and effort on positioning the brand for success. Helping you work through a number of obstacles or strategies allows me to feel apart of the family. In addition to making sure the brand essence isn’t tainted, promoting my approval of the brand is important to me – and beneficial to your recognition.

Consulting Benefit 8: Measuring Performance.

Similar to holding brand representatives accountable, measuring outcomes is crucial. As a competitor, I don’t like to lose. As a consultant, I’m always looking for advantages or ways to do things better. I use my ambitious perspective to your advantage. There will always be a way we can fine-tune something to maximize results. Being complacent isn’t really an option for me.

We can measure the brand’s success on multiple levels, depending on our focus at the time. We can develop a strategy or simply monitor current methods. Garnering data can be done through customer surveys or by monitoring website traffic and conversion ratios. I help you determine the best channel to measure performance.

Is there a better time of day (or day of the week) to promote on social media? Are sales incentives motivating employees? Is contract retention high? Is a guest writer aligning with our message? These are all questions we’ll continue to discuss to ensure the brand is functioning well on all cylinders.

Consulting Benefit 9: Locating Opportunities.

In #1, I talked about helping you avoid chasing opportunity. Before you think I’m contradicting myself, hear me out. There is a time and a place for everything. If there’s one thing you learned from reading these strategic consulting benefits, it’s just that. Even though I absolutely love uncovering opportunity, there’s no need to go there until the brand is recognizable.

For example, I was working with a client looking to compete in the fitness industry. They had a valuable product, but their message wasn’t speaking to the right audience. The founder was caught up in communicating the brand on his terms, from his perspective. Before we sought innovative opportunities, we had to solidify his branding.

Once he was recognized as a competent option, it didn’t really matter which opportunity we chased. There were already enough loyalists to support his new endeavors. This wouldn’t have been possible if we took a shotgun approach in the beginning without much intention. We could have blown through a lot of money before catching any type of momentum. Because we stopped to PreFocus, his message and vision never wavered. In turn, we were quickly able to expand into apparel and even custom printing.

My Promise When it Comes to Brand Development and Strategy:

As your brand consultant, I’m not going to advise you down paths with low quality returns that hinder growth. We really need to think things through – for real. Similar to marketing, everything we ponder has some sort of substance behind it and purpose within it. Comparing each avenue in detail helps us find the best route with highest return. My clients and I work really well together when they understand this benefit of my consulting service. The result is always fulfillment for me.

Consulting Benefit 10: Building Your Team.

If or when we launch an exit strategy for my services, I begin formulating a list of ideal employee characteristics. Establishing a branded culture is just as important as building the identity. Hiring people that believe in and respect the values and vision of the brand will do wonders towards appeal. Finding and acquiring talent that suits the needs of your organization is key. If people aren’t buying into the culture, it can become a disaster.

I’ve been a part of 5 start up companies, 3 small businesses, and a global corporation. I’ve seen success at every level. Some of my experience was at a young age, but every experience taught me about work culture. If you’re going to take the time to invest in your branding, then you might as well create an identity for the workplace and it’s force. Giving your people something to believe in (and finding the people that will) can overshadow a multitude of company failures and pivots. There’s no seam in a strong team – and I’m committed to helping you build a solid foundation.

Concluding My 10 Brand Consulting Benefits.

president-of-prefocus-jordan-trask-company-headshot-in-west-phoenix-for-pulsebandz-brand-ambassadorThanks for taking time out of your day to check out some of the benefits of my brand consultation services. Aside from the generality, I truly hope you were able to take away something from this list. If not, I’d love to hear how I can communicate more effectively.

When I first started my company at the end of 2016, I found myself chasing revenue through marketing strategy and content curation. But, I quickly realized that hustling wasn’t rewarding to me. Putting others first and customizing the value I offered allowed me to do what I love more effectively. This is where I began exploring my ability to serve as a consultant. Since, I’ve been deemed as a life-saver and even a good friend. These are the types of relationships and experiences I value.

I look forward to the opportunity of celebrating success with you as well.

Do You Qualify for Consulting?

There are endless benefits to hiring a brand consultant, but not every company is a great fit for my services. I’d love to learn more about your current strategy and where you’re heading as a brand. From here we can schedule a FREE call to discuss the PreFocus process as well as your expectations.