Jordan's PreFocus Message
Learn more about my approach and enjoy reading about ways to improve your marketing strategy. About the AuthorContact JordanWhy Are You Wasting Money on Amateur Marketers?
The reasoning behind our brand is to address the flow of crappy content by inexperienced and amateur marketers. I sit back and see far too many business getting duped to purchase social media followers or duplicated content strategies. Here’s a closer look at why I believe so many available strategies lead to mediocrity.
The Purpose Behind the Development of PreFocus Solutions in Surprise, AZ.
Here is a short message that encompasses the purpose behind the development of my company, PreFocus Solutions. Instead of creating all of these irrelevant topical strategies, we focus on driving down your costs and improving the presentation of your brand by highlighting value and trust.
Chapter 4: Finding a Business Coach in Surprise, Arizona.
When I first realized I was passionate about branding and content, I knew I still had a long way to grow in order to run a business.Once I solidified my vision and began promoting it, I knew I needed to surround myself with people that would keep me focused and mindful.
My Top 5 Takeaways From Allbound’s Collaborate 2016 Event in Phoenix
Collaborate 2016 was another positive experience that allowed me to improve my capabilities. Allbound created the event to educate attendees on accelerated partner channels that inevitably enhance process efficiency. Here are my takeaways in regards.
The 2016 Presidential Election Reminds me of a Branded Smear Campaign.
Some people believe that all publicity is good publicity – but is this always true? Identifying the weakness of your competition is very important – but is exposing this a good idea? In my opinion, channeling competitor information to improve your product or service can be a lot more rewarding.
Low to No Budget Marketing Ideas for Small Business.
Once I clarified my message my vision, I needed to invest in a marketing approach that maximized my budget. But, I didn’t have much of a budget to work with. I was faced with two decisions: Invest it all in a reaching ad campaign, or develop purposeful content that expanded on my value.
Overcoming My Fears While Building My Business in Surprise, Arizona
One of the main reasons I waited so long to invest in my own brand was my simple fear of failure. I had so much drive and ability to succeed while working for someone else, but it wasn’t enough to overcome my fears of putting my family in a financial bind. Taking the leap was very difficult, but preparing myself was easy.
Finding My Value While Building My Business.
Launching your own business can be a stressful occasion that's surrounded by an extensive amount of situational placement and planning. Especially when you're attempting to support a family of 6. I first started contemplating launching my own business in 2013 when I...
What Does a Content Strategist do?
Writing blogs, creating videos, and developing ads are all essential to your business. In fact, there isn’t much else out there that consistently drives traffic to your website. The purpose behind a content strategy is to essentially tell a story that provides a valuable solution to your following. Without a purpose, your blog or social media post will continue to be used for it’s information – and not your services.
The Benefits of Content Creation Services
Whether you're enhancing you on-page content or developing new advertising copy, your messaging and tone plays a big factor in conversion rates. Taking the time to produce original content that aligns with your brand's objectives impacts the way viewers perceive your...
The Process of Content Writing
Developing content is an extensive process. It begins with researching your market, the competition within, and your target audience. Once you understand your niche, you can begin writing content that caters to your customer base.
Top 5 Ways to Improve Brand Recognition
A sense of reality has hit you, and you’re beginning to realize the presentation of your company is lacking. This be a tough pill to swallow for some business owners. Addressing the way you’re perceived is a difficult process that requires extensive analysis and planning – but where do you begin?
My Pay Per Click Development Process
You’re at a crossroads. You’re trying to determine if you should invest in an advertising strategy now that you have some capital to work with. Before you begin to invest in an adspend, let’s take a look at a strategic approach to developing your PPC campaign. My pay per click development process focuses on formulating a plan around distinct user intent to ensure your click costs produce a solid return on investment.
The Main Difference Between a Reach and Targeting Strategy
When you go fishing, do you cast a net into the water and wait for the fish to swim into it? Or do you use a certain rod and line with a specific lure? So, what type of fisherman have you been? Have you been patiently waiting for your volume-based efforts to convert or have you been able to make it home with dinner every night?
Before Paying Someone to Build Your Website
Building a website has recently become fairly easy. But the simplicity of the process has created a sense of organized chaos when it comes to promoting your brand effectively online. Instead of rushing the process and launching your site early, consider following these steps to ensure you’re converting visitors.
Understanding a Creative Imagery Advertising Strategy
In a world where online marketing rules, we are constantly faced with finding more ways to attract and engage potential customers. Although there are plenty of ways to capture their attention, a simple strategy can go a long way. Instead of investing in volume or reach, it’s time to refocus on your brand. Taking the time to develop an ad with “zap” might be your best idea yet..
Ensuring Consumers Can Trust Your Brand Online
Improving conversion rates can be a lot more simple than you think. Although sales tactics will always exists, it’s important that we all begin to understand what consumers are currently valuing online: Their ability to trust a brand during their buying process..
A Qualitative Guide for On-Page SEO Keyword Selection.
As of late, search engine optimization has become more tactical than process-driven. Far too many "marketing" agencies and freelancers and cutting corners to increase views. This just isn't sustainable in today's ever-evolving digital landscape. Instead of investing...
Understanding a Marketing Mix.
My name is Jordan Trask and I specialize in providing businesses with conceptual processes that build sustainability and brand recognition. Here, I expand on brand development by discussing the value of understanding a marketing mix. I'm passionate about helping...
Capturing Your Audience at the Right Time.
Allocating potential customers isn’t as simple as most make it out to be. In reality, too many companies pay thousands of dollars to marketing agencies that aren’t personalizing their product or service. But, how can you drive sales with someone else’s strategy?