Capturing Authenticity with Page Carpet Cleaning

Capturing Authenticity with Page Carpet Cleaning

Working with small business owners is the best part about my job. Not only do I look forward to educating myself on their experience and value, but learning about their journey and what it's brought to their lives. Allen, from Page Carpet Cleaning, enjoyed sharing his story and teaching us about his industry. Not only has he been in business for over a decade, but he values a lot of the same core competencies that we strive to execute on a daily basis. Allen didn't want to invest in a lot of branding, but wanted to relay his person ability and attention to detail in order to stand out amongst his competition. Here are some of the photos he plans on using to further promote his business and the purpose behind the imagery we captured.
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First Impressions Matter

We wanted to encompass Allen’s personality and welcoming demeanor. In this shot, we focused on first impressions and captured his literal authenticity as he arrived for the shoot. This is my favorite photo as everything surrounding him is white. His smile and genuine eye contact really stands out.

capturing-authenticity-by-branding-Ownership-bio-of Allen-from-page-carpet-cleanings-headshot-in-glendale-az

Introduce Your Brand

When capturing authenticity conveying confidence and credibility is key. The concept was to compliment the “first impression” with an authentic eye level smile. A customer can easily imagine this brand visual as they meet the pro for the first time. His shirt color and logo complimented the truck graphics well. 


Capture Authentic Quality

A lot of consumers aren’t aware of the preparation required for cleaning carpets. After our discovery discussion, I found that Allen takes care of his equipment by monitoring how many square feet he cleans in relation to supplies used. His commitment to detail should be valued and promoted.


Showcase Capability

Allen talked about the general awkwardness of being in someone else’s home, and how he tries to participate in small talk throughout his visit. When there are children present, he enjoys showing them how his equipment works. So, we wanted to catch him in the act to promote his approachability.


Expand on the Experience

In order to establish Page Carpet Cleaning’s value, we knew it was important to highlight his process. Cleaning floors is more than dragging a scrubbing vacuum over the carpet, and Allen’s quality approach was worth capturing. Unique angles and first person perspectives make capturing authenticity even better.


Coordinate Your Presentation

Color coordination can play a big role in the way imagery is recognized and perceived. In this setting, we found a unique opportunity to match his equipment with props. Not only is this easy on the eyes, but it balances the picture so it can be used in coordination with his logo for ads.


Promote Unique Originality

When it comes to capturing authenticity for social media posts, it’s important to paint a picture of reality. Although we shot an array of pictures with steam, this one is from the viewpoint of a child from the hall, watching his room being cleaned. It’s almost an inside look at the value he brings.


Educate Your Audience

One of the suggestions I made to Allen was to begin educating his potential clients on facts regarding health and clean floors. Many people request carpet cleaning because they have to or as an annual investment – but providing information on health concerns may create more of a need.

The Purpose Behind Page Carpet Cleaning’s Enhanced Imagery.

One of the first things I chat with business owners about is brand positioning, promoted value, and clarity. Although Allen knew he needed to invest more money into his company, I wanted to detour him from wasting capital on advertising and other forms of content. If you take a look at their social media pages and website, you can see there’s a lack of originality and appeal.

After researching his industry, I knew that the saturated market wasn’t as focused on their presentation as they should be. This provided him with an opportunity to enhance his content and improve the way he stood out when people were shopping around. Not only can he use these photos for his website, but he can create a number of pieces of content that relay the value he provides his customers with. I was confident that a small facelift would help him get more customers in the door while his personable approach would take care of the rest.

Moving forward, he won’t have to focus so much time on selling as his capability, experience and personality can be easily seen in his photos. After capturing authenticity and publishing some new content, Allen felt like a new man. Now that he has a little more free time, he’s going to invest more on improvements.

Are you looking for a way to promote value?

Marketing and branding doesn’t have to be a convoluted process that overwhelms business owners and digs into their pockets. At PreFocus, we specialize in helping you find the best way to relay the purpose and quality your brand brings to the table. Whether it’s revising copy or improving your photography, there’s always a wise way to enhance your reach. So this time, PreFocus with us..

How to Target Senior Citizens in Memphis, Tennessee.

How to Target Senior Citizens in Memphis, TN.

Outside of targeted digital strategies, there are plenty of ways to reach and engage senior citizens throughout the Midsouth region. The biggest factor is tailoring your message to their values as this garners their trust and loyalty. Remember, this is an age group that tends to lean on traditional values, so it’s imperative to consider their well-being. In our ever-changing world, many elderly citizens fear their best interest isn’t a priority or even considered at all. Since I’ve had success with geriatric and retirement demographics, I thought I’d share some of the insight I’ve organized over the past few years.

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First and foremost, targeting senior citizens in the West Valley needs to be purposeful. A majority of them are either visiting for the winter, or settling in for the remainder of their lives. The decisions they make are concrete and if it’s your goal to change their behaviors, then you need to do so with quality promotions. No matter what you take away from this article, it’s imperative that you understand their perspective. This is something we take pride in at PreFocus.

A Few Senior Stereotypes.

Before we begin our senior targeting list, there are a few bias viewpoints I want to touch on regarding this growing demographic.

  1. Seniors Are Cheap – I couldn’t disagree more. Look around and you’ll notice most of them driving brand new vehicles or golf carts with plenty of bells and whistles. Not to mention the amount of cash poured into pet grooming. Price can’t be discounted with the elderly. Purchase decisions by seniors (especially regarding healthcare) are usually made based on what the solution can do for them. They want to trust their investment. Once they can clearly see HOW it meets their need, price doesn’t necessarily matter. Avoid making them feel this way by harnessing a qualitative message over an affordable one.
  2. Seniors Don’t Really Matter – Believe it or not, categorizing seniors as important, will garner more interest than you think. Too often, advertisements are geared towards younger generations (or et al) and their demographic is left hanging. Messaging that isn’t catered to their unique situation is a huge turn off and causes them to believe it’s not in their best interest. Promoting a large amount of copy (text) and stock images on flyers tend to overwhelm seniors. If you haven’t taken the time to tailor a more simplistic message with photos that showcase your value, then you’re missing on a ton of opportunity.
  3. Seniors Need to be Told What’s Best – Senior citizens can be a stubborn bunch. Not only do they purposefully avoid change due to fear, but they really dislike being told what to do. Think of it this way: Once seniors begin losing their ability to care for themselves, they want to hold onto every sense of pride they can. They’ve been immersed in purchases or processes that have worked for them for a long time and they truly believe they know what’s best – for them. Using tactics that support change (we’ll discuss some below) help them understand what’s best instead of ego draining direction.

Consider the above takeaways as you progress through my guide to targeting senior citizens below..

1. Social Media and Content Marketing.

Many of you might think I’m crazy for putting this at the top of my list but let me hit you with a few statistics before the chuckles roll off your tongue. According to Target Marketing Magazine, 47% of seniors 50-65, and 30% of 66+ preferred online communications and transactions in 2012. In 2013, those numbers increased to 65% of seniors 50-65, and 34% 66+. In order to understand what they use the internet for, here are some of their behaviors. 94% of seniors use the internet for e-mail; 77% use it shop; 71% use it to allocate health information; and 70% use it to read the news. If you notice one common theme, they’re engaged in some form of content. Although most don’t believe seniors are on social platforms, they are. They realize that technology can help improve their health while giving them a form of engagement they can’t receive bedside.

Whether they find content on social media platforms while keeping tabs on family members and old friends, or come across a relevant ad while browsing for a gift they’re shopping for – seniors are present online. The problem with most senior citizen targeting efforts are the reasons I listed in the beginning of this article. Ads or content that’s not geared towards their demographic tends to disinterest them while creating a poor first impression. This doesn’t solidify they aren’t online – it solidifies you’re not presenting them with a purposeful message. A targeted strategy with an agenda alongside brand clarity will help you overcome this marketing bias.

2. Create or Collaborate for a Tailored Event.

Believe it or not, seniors are an active bunch – especially in Memphis where it doesn’t get too cold during the winter. It seems like there isn’t a time of day most of them aren’t on the road. Aside from the danger this presents, it means they’re always looking for something to entertain their time. Of course they have their routine appearances, but for the most part they’re seeking new ways to interact and engage with others. This is a perfect opportunity to present them with an event that aligns with their values, needs, and interests.

Imagine the type of credibility you can achieve by presenting seniors with a new event catered to them. Even if you have a small budget, there are plenty of ways to engage them with basic activities. Most importantly, find time during the event to relay your cause or provided value so they know who’s behind their consideration. As long as you’re able to promote it effectively, you can expect a solid return on your investment either way.

3. Direct Mailing with Targeted Messaging.

Direct mailers are a common tactic when targeting the senior citizen community. If you’re looking to create an effective flyer, consider some of the stereotypes I mentioned above. First and foremost, you’ll want to design a presentation that’s geared towards them. Simplify your message, enhance the font size, and capture original imagery that resonates with them best. Remember, seniors don’t want to be told what’s best, they want to allocate brands they can trust and justify on their own. Simply ease them into the process by engaging them with what they value.

Moreover, try to incorporate something within your design that they can find useful. Maybe create a crossword puzzle with answers that sends a specific message and aligns with your core values. You can even present them with a mailer design that serves an additional purpose. With this strategy, seniors can use it for more than information and potentially hang it on the fridge to share with others. If they’re able to use it as a guide, then your company will automatically be associated with that value. At the end of the day, you’re executing brand recognition.

4. Online Advertising Strategies.

Again, I know you might be hesitant to invest here – but hear me out. As aforementioned, seniors are online – and even though they might not be looking for you specifically, they’re engaged somewhere. This is where paid advertising or display ad retargeting can come into play. Using online advertising based on behavioral activity is a great way to target seniors with a message that’s relevant to what they’re currently looking for.

For example: Senior A is looking for a pharmacy close-by to refill their cardiology medication. They happen to come across an advertisement by a mobile cardiologist that also executes prescription delivery. Don’t you think that’s something that would catch their eye? Using strategic initiatives to target senior citizens not only increases conversion rates, but it lowers the amount of money you have to spend on entire campaigns. Targeting with purpose, especially when advertising, enables you to ramp up or cut off your campaigns at a moments notice to execute the processes you’re promoting.

The same thing goes for children of seniors. They play a large role in influencing their parents with decisions. If you’re able to target them accordingly so they can pass along the message, then you’ve executed another channel through valued influence. It may be a little more strategic, but it beats sending out 10,000 mailers and crossing your fingers, in my opinion.

5. Partnering with Relevant Companies.

When it comes to partnering with relevant channels, there are opportunities everywhere. If you’re looking for a place to start, try the local Piggly Wiggly or farmer’s market for starters. Seniors seems to visit the grocery almost every day. For example, Bell Road and the 303 is host to 4 grocers within a mile. (Albertson’s, WinCo, Sam’s Club, and Safeway) Visit a location and watch who they interact with and what they stop to examine. Who’s loyal to which brand and why? These might be opportunities for your brand to present itself – whether at the cash register or through an affiliate ad inside. Approaching the business is the first step to generating a relationship that serves their customers with value.

Don’t be afraid to think outside the box of normality as well. A common service venue I visit when targeting senior citizens are local dog groomers. The elderly view their animals as a part of the family and frequent these locations often. If you’re looking for low hanging fruit, consider car dealerships, RV parks or maintenance shops, restaurants, craft stores, and other retailers that are apart of senior’s every day lives. You could even volunteer time with a non profit at a chance to promote your product or service.

6. Print Advertising or Sponsorships.

Print ads are another intriguing way to target senior citizens in the Memphis area. Many care facilities and placement providers tend to invest in senior care publications and other weekly newsletters. Although I have my own opinion on this tactic, it really depends on the product or service you’re looking to provide. Similar to content and online ads, you’ll want to focus your message on the value you provide with simplicity in mind. Some examples include newspapers, billboards, event brochures, announcements, prescription packaging, or sponsored vehicle wraps.

Either way, it’s important that you monetize your investment before throwing out dollars. Although some publications have an extensive number of viewers, it doesn’t necessarily mean senior citizens will see your ad. Print is very difficult to measure because of this. You can only assume, which is why it can be muddy waters if you aren’t careful. Don’t allow the salesperson to sell you, take the time to research your investment and make a decision with your best interest at heart. In most cases, you can take that $3,000 and pour it into other areas where your message is accepted with ease.

7. Scratching the Backs of Senior Communities.

This tends to be the traditional way to reach seniors or the geriatric community. At the same time, I know how difficult this can be. These facilities deal with so much solicitation it’s no wonder they’re never too happy to see you. If you’re going to invest in this type of approach, please be prepared. Don’t go in there without a plan because most of them are wanting to hear what you can actually do for them and their residents – not why they should align with you.

Take the time to research each community so you can understand what to expect when you arrive. Learn about the management or the person you may first come across upon arrival. Ensuring you’re able to execute a positive first impression opens the door to possibility. From here, it’s all about how committed you are to helping them improve their facility while enhancing the experience of their patient base. Until you place yourself in their shoes, you’ll find this a frustrating option – which is why I placed it at the bottom of my list.

Request a Strategy

Although it’s important to target senior citizens with purpose, we also want to ensure your brand message and presentation accurately relays your value. Our strategies align your voice with target customer needs in order to improve efficiency and drive down costs.

Presenting a Product Effectively with a PreFocus

Presenting Product Display Effectively

When it comes to marketing your product, it's imperative that you consider the way it can be perceived. At the end of the day, lackadaisical imagery can alter consumer perception. Presenting your product effectively can relay quality in an instant.
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Why some brands take shortcuts when presenting a product.

In order to understand the reasoning behind product company initiatives, I thought it would be beneficial to put myself in your shoes. At Prefocus, we long to understand why shortcuts are taken so we can provide solutions that satisfy individual brand needs. Presenting product display effectively can drastically aid your growth efforts. But first, I wanted to highlight my opinion regarding low quality product promotions and why they’re executed.

Time Constraints

Listen, I get it. I completely understand that launching a product can be a difficult process that causes you to focus on more important developments. Especially if you need to drive some revenue before investing money into the brand. It can be overwhelming and even expensive to set up a product display with proper backgrounds, lighting and lenses. Moreover, a majority of your time is being exhausted with manufacturers, product display designs, and even general sales tactics. When it’s time to curate product descriptions and imagery, you’re more than likely drained form the overall process in itself. Starting from scratch can be difficult and we know you’re eager to get the product out there.

Limited Capital.

Anyone that launches a new product without liquid or investment capital is already facing an uphill battle. Not only are they stressed for time, but they want to stretch their dollar as much as possible. There are plenty of ongoing expenses and legalities that come along with launching a product. I understand that priorities often times fall elsewhere – and that’s OK. It’s important that you focus on sustaining your business – but if you want to sustain – there’s always a way to allocate additional funds to enhance your sales.

I Can Do It Myself.

A lot of factors go into capturing branded product photography. On several occasions I’ve had conversations with ecommerce companies that say they’re “OK” with the current presentation they’ve developed on their own. I’m not here to tell you that you’re wrong for this, but presenting product display effectively is a lot of work. At the end of the day, this comes down to how ownership monetizes and values their time.

Imagery Isn’t Important – To Them.

One of the most common opinions I encounter about product imagery is the simple thought that it doesn’t make a difference. I hear a lot of reasoning like: “The product sells itself” or “Pictures aren’t going to change a need.” Again, I completely understand – it doesn’t necessarily matter to you.. There are plenty of marketers that don’t think product imagery matters. At the same time, try considering the perspective of potential customers. Not everyone has the same viewpoint as the company. Similar to time constraints, this inevitably falls on the company’s standards and how they go about reaching their target audience.

A Quantity Over Quality Focus.

Another frequency in this realm pertains to a quantitative approach. When it comes to launching a new product, most brands believe that more options equates higher revenue. Although I couldn’t disagree more, I completely understand the perspective on this. One of the most difficult aspects of starting my business was focusing on what I do really well. Although I can manage a plethora of tasks and projects, I needed to streamline my services to impact and provide value to a specific niche.

This is uber relevant in the product realm as well. It can be difficult to comprehend how an overwhelming number of options can actually increase bounce rates and disinterest. It simply takes an open mind and strategic patience to overcome this. Thinking about immediate return can easily detour us from our long term objectives.

How a Lack of Quality Can Hurt Branding.

After acknowledging some of the reasoning behind this epidemic, I’d like to discuss some the ramifications that can transpire. Failing to consider the impact of quality product presentation can alter your growth aspirations and short term goals. Marketing materials that avoid presenting product display imagery with a purpose can hinder credibility. Here are some of the consequences of ignoring a quality presentation.

Competitive Disadvantage.

In today’s age, most consumers want to obtain peace of mind that they’ve made an investment that satisfies their imminent needs and values. Moreover, a majority of consumers shop products and compare their features before pulling the trigger. This is especially true with more expensive options – such as appliances, tools, and electronics. According to PWC, 83% of U.S. consumers compare products online before venturing to their local store. If you’re unable to separate yourself, or even be comparable to your competition – then how do you suppose you stand a chance? More often then not, you’ll find yourself lowering prices to compete.

Even if a product is less superior, consumers are attracted to appeal. Especially when they’re shopping and cognizant of first impressions. It can be difficult to acknowledge this, so try to look at it from a different perspective. An online store (let’s say Amazon) shows the same product, for the same price, by two different suppliers. One of the product presentations is lower quality and hard to see. Every time, the consumer will select the better visual. Simply because it’s a more trustworthy purchase when they aren’t able to physically hold the item.

Here is a client example prior to working with us, versus 3 of their competitor’s variety photos.


Product Display Provides Insight.

Have you ever looked through a product catalog and been frustrated because “image unavailable” sits atop the product description? I know I have. For the most part, we all want to be able to see and understand something before making a purchase. Low quality (or ineffective) imagery doesn’t allow a buyer to physically see the quality of the product. Even more, a low quality presentation resonates the same. As corporations and small businesses transition online, it’s imperative that consumers are able to visibly gain a sense of the product since they aren’t able to physically hold it. Strong imagery showcases value and establishes trust alongside the brand.

Brand Perception.

66-percent-of-customers-want-to-see-at-least-3-images-of-a-product-they-want-to-buy-based-on-presentationI know this may seem like an impact below the waste, but it’s the reality of the situation. It means something to a potential customer when a company goes into detail about a product their interested in. Quality presentation creates a peace of mind that shows you’re willing to enhance the visual in order to garner consumer trust.

No matter how spiffy your ecommerce site is, or how awesome your logo looks – poor presentation can turn off potential buyers. Sometimes even causing a low perception of the brand because of it. In turn, it hinders new acquisition and repeat customers altogether.

How Branded Imagery Benefits the Business

I know I went into extensive detail above, but my intention is not to offend you. Although it can be a tough pill to swallow, I want you to know that we’re only here to help. Allowing an outside influence to help promote your baby isn’t an easy transition. But, here are some reasons why it can be in your best interest moving forward.

Monetizing Your Time.

The first question I want you to ask yourself is: how are you monetizing your time and when is it worth it to outsource? I know what it’s like to feel the need to control everything in order to reach the standards you set for yourself – but is it taking away from what you do well? Does it feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day? What’s the worth of being able to feel accomplished on a daily basis or spend more time with family and loved ones?

Setting up a product photo shoot can be a lot of work. Placement, lighting, and angles are taken into consideration for a reason. When you’re crunched for time, it’s hard to execute capturing a product effectively. Why not allow someone to help with this in order to streamline the process and save you time? At the end of the day, this is up to you to determine – but monetizing the time you spend on business endeavors should be a consideration nonetheless. Even if it seems like you’re saving money, everything has a price tag.

Confidence and Contentment.

Possessing a product with quality presentation enables business owners (and employees) to confidently promote it accordingly. If you’re ashamed of the way something looks, in comparison to something similar, then it’s more than likely going to hinder your excitement towards selling it. We can all understand that an image is better than no display, but why not be proud of your display?

Although it seems like you’ve crossed off all the boxes, you’re disallowing yourself to feel a sense of contentment – you know there’s still more to improve upon. This causes you to sell harder or talk more to overcome what a quality presentation can bring. Ask yourself if your current presentation gets the job done or if it could be better. If you could care less, consider what your audience’s thought process. Inevitably, trust and acceptance is in the eye of the beholder.

Enhancing Your Return.

I’d like to return to a previous point that touched on quantitate product metrics. I often hear that offering a wide variety of products increases overall sales funnels by creating options. Unless you’re already established, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Why not take the time to pinpoint your biggest areas of opportunity (or most relevant needs) and cater to them? Publishing a large variety may improve SEO reach but it won’t necessarily fill your pockets.

Even if it takes longer to launch product lines, you’re promoting quality from the get go. Customers take notice of this. Using proper angles and lighting can drastically enhance the attractiveness of your product. Investing time and money into presentation establishes a qualitative presence and branded recognition. Once you’re able to sustain a select product line, you can then expand on options or add-ons while retargeting previous customers with enticing offers. I know that keeping it simple doesn’t sound sexy, but sometimes “more is less.” Improve your chances of converting until you’re able to scale and expand.

Lastly, quality presentation creates consumer engagement. If something is beautifully or articulately displayed, people will want to share it. Whether you promote a 3D display, slideshow, or optimized image – consumers are more likely to share and suggest appeal. Consider the amount of reach (or awareness) you can garner from product imagery that’s promoted organically. These are some of the reasons why presenting a product effectively can actually drive more revenue – simply by strategically viewing promotability with an open mind.


Thanks for reading and best of success nonetheless in 2017!

Thinking About Hiring a Product Specialist?

We understand that investing money back into the business takes extensive consideration.  This is why we’re currently OFFERING $100 OFF to new customers in 2017. Simply submit a contact form and mention “100OFF” alongside your project description.

How Camera Angles Create Dramatic Imagery

How Camera Angles Create Dramatic Imagery

When it comes to product or imagery branding, creative camera angles play a big role in the final presentation. Being equipped with quality equipment helps with production, but if you're unable to capture dramatic angles then the actual quality of your photo can be lacking. After reviewing this article you'll be able to see why camera angles create dramatic imagery. Let's look at a simple example below.
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My example showcases a multi fold brochure that one of our client’s use. Promoting this print design was important as a percentage of their proceeds benefits less fortunate people from around the world. In order to present the unique display of their charitable contribution, I wanted to present their mission from a resonating perspective. I decided to write about it as I’ve always been passionate about the way strategic camera angles create dramatic imagery.

Since Christmas is right around the corner, we wanted to develop some pictures that were relevant to the holiday season. We started the process with a vantage point that didn’t utilize the angles we were given:



The two above photographs were taken with settings in mind, but not a perspective. In those examples, we avoided considering an array of angles and purposefully photographed a straightforward shot. I wanted to discuss this approach as it can drastically aid marketing effectiveness. In my opinion, general photography that lacks perspective can alter the user experience and brand perception. Addressing this will not only help you attract new customers, but identify low quality work.

When capturing imagery for our clients, we approach photography with an open mind. It’s almost impossible to know exactly which shot is going to be the most effective. But, if you’re not experimenting with angles and lighting, then you’re not going to maximize your potential. When determining a final product, we want consumers to be able to view the image from a perspective they’re not keen to seeing. In other words – without a creative viewpoint, we’d be assuming that a general photo would get the point across well enough. Now, let’s look at a few examples that showcase the same brochure from more dramatic angles.


When it comes to marketing your product (or brand) online, it’s imperative that you captivate your audience with quality imagery from a dramatic perspective. If you’re not able to draw them into your brand’s presentation then you’re risking losing their interest altogether. People want to be apart of something that’s engaging, rewarding, and purposeful. If you’re investing in original photography, then why not present yourself in a way that’s worth remembering. People but from those they remember and if you’re relaying quality and value, they won’t forget. I don’t want to tell you how to go about your business endeavors, but I won’t deny my passion for quality presentation. I hope this was helpful, and never hesitate to reach out.

Best in success..


Looking for an Imagery Consultant?

Quality imagery and presentation begins with a creative strategy. In order to capture and captivate your audience, it’s imperative that your portray yourself in the most effective way. With my experience in production and content strategy, I believe I can guide you in the right direction – and I’d love to hear about your story.

Examples of Wasting Marketing Spend

Examples of Wasting Marketing Spend

You've launched your business model and you begin to invest capital into promotional initiatives. Are you confident in where you're spending or do you think you might be wasting marketing spend on ineffective endeavors? In this article, I expand on how you could be participating in wasteful approaches and how you can focus on execution moving forward.
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1. Paying Someone to Duplicate Online Content

I expanded on this relevant epidemic in my last blogpost on originality – and cannot reiterate the devastating effect enough. If you have an internal or outsourced team curating content based on the effectiveness of others copy or imagery – you’re working backwards. Not only will originality enhance the user experience and consumer trust, but you’ll enhance search rankings and avoid penalties by investing in your own strategy. Even if an internal team is managing this to save you from expert fees, you still have to consider the time they’re wasting here. Take the time to monetize the workflow of your current employees while auditing content and imagery produced by outside teams. I know it seems like a complete waste, but you’ll set yourself up for sustainability down the road.

2. Print Advertising and Publication Investments.

Far too often, I come across a struggling company that’s spending thousands of dollars on a brand awareness strategy in print media. Although it may be effective in super relevant publications, it’s only a numbers game. Moreover, how can you determine if your ad is even seen by the “X amount of subscribers”? This is the main selling point of publications and I’ve never been able to understand how they monetize this. You may get some calls, but I truly believe your money is better spent on targeted initiatives.

I worked for a company that would invest $2-4,000 in these types of ads yet limit online display ads to $100/month. Even though I was able to prove it would save the business $5000 annually. Although they saw a consistent level of new acquisition, I cannot imagine the impact that a targeted campaign would have had. All they needed to do was explore outside the element of traditional advertising. There are plenty of ways to acquire new customers and immersing yourself in a little research can go a long way. Without an ability to compare campaigns or understand where your niche is, you’re limiting potential while wasting marketing spend.

3. Social Media Marketing Lacking Purpose.

Social media is an ever-evolving marketplace. Each passing year sees a number of implemented algorithms and limitations that attempt to strengthen the impact of marketing on these platforms. A common theme that really bothers me surrounds a corporate strategy mirroring personal social media accounts. Some brands want to share random memes, articles, or photos they personally find engaging – but that doesn’t mean potential customers will. Sure, it’s great to garner likes and shares, but if these actions are being completed by people who aren’t interested in your offering – it’s lacking purpose. Additionally, if you’re paying someone to promote quantity, then you’re inevitably avoiding social media quality. Even if you downsize to 1-2 posts a week, a purposeful campaign will give you heightened results and trusted engagement. Don’t be afraid spend some time developing intriguing topics that flow into your objectives. This will enhance your influence while strengthening your value.

4. Most of Your Budget is Spent on SEO.

Don’t get me wrong, optimizing your site is very important – but avoiding quality content and presentation is a great way to detour visitors once they arrive. Although website SEO is a step in the right direction, there are a plethora of steps when it comes to acquiring new customers on-site. Simply improving your traffic flow is not enough. From experience, some companies spend $200-$500 a month on SEO maintenance. What does that even mean? If you’re lacking the results you desire, then the last thing you need to continue to do is pay your SEO guy. You should first consider improving your on-sire content so that it’s more appealing and makes sense. If you’re promoting an overwhelming amount of copy, try simplifying your message or implementing imagery and graphics to get your message across. Driving more traffic by ranking better isn’t going to solve your problems. Improve the way you’re perceived by enhancing the user experience so that you resonate better. From here, everything else will take care of itself.

5. Investing More in Design Over Substance.

Similar to my previous point, wasting marketing spend on designs can be just as costly. (Feel free to research this epidemic as the same goes for your web design.) If you realize that you’re spending an extensive amount of money on high tech designs, consider looking into the substance within them. When designs overwhelm your text, then it’s time to simply them so you can get your message across. I cannot stress this enough as a seamless pitch trumps any design.

I know that I preach presentation like it’s my job, but I also understand the importance of clarity. A perfect example is when start ups invest a large amount of money in brochures, folders, pens, etc.. counting on their sales force to drive home value. Look, I get it.. But, start slow and scale before throwing away money – even if this is a commonality. One of the most important steps in branding is developing your voice, value, and vision. If you’re designs aren’t relaying these three things, then pump the brakes and stop wasting marketing spend on a designer.

6. Demographic Targeting.

Investing in advertising strategies that target demographics is a great way to limit your potential and waste marketing spend. Not only are you assuming who your customer is, but you’re ignoring other verticals you can execute. Assumption marketing is a great way to put yourself in a hole before gaining traction. If your main customer is middle aged men with kids, then focus on satisfying that vertical through service. If you’re able to execute a solid user experience, then these men will begin to share their stories themselves. Wasting marketing spend by looking to acquire more of the same can limit your satisfaction scores. Not only that, but you’re ignoring other people that could benefit from your offering just as well. It’s always good to understand your audience, but you should look to invest in an improved approach instead of wasting money doing the same thing over and over.

Looking to be More Effective with Your Marketing Spend?

There are plenty of marketing strategies available to business owners. At PreFocus, we zero in on your provided value with substance and a clear message. Find out how we can help you improve customer loyalty, trust, and clarity through quality content development and consultation.

Why Consider Original Content and Brand Photography?

Why is Original Content and Photography More Effective?

When it comes to developing content and imagery, I've noticed that many brands lean on copy-cat techniques and stock photography. Although I understand why they're doing this, I can't help but think why they believe this is going to enhance their conversion rates. Let's view this from the perspective of a consumer and see where it goes..
About PreFocusContact

promote-quality-imagery-and-content-by-focusing-on-your-customers-needs-pictured-is-a-black-harley-dyna-swithcback-in-downtown-phoenix-next-to-some-wall-artIf you’ve been following me over the past year, you’ve probably noticed my passion for presentation. No matter what your content resource is, it’s imperative that you don’t distance yourself from this strategy – rather work smarter. In the past, I’ve been affiliated with a number of businesses that leverage articles, inspirational posts, leading professional’s ideas, and even competition for content. The problem is, they’re not necessarily leveraging them – they’re stealing from them.

No one should know your offering better than you – so why not showcase this at a maximum level to ensure you’re resonating? Duplicating someone else’s writing, imagery, or strategy is a bad idea all around. If you have long term aspirations for your brand, then you should be considering every endeavor you’re involved with. Here’s some reasoning behind my belief.

1. The Potential for Consequences.

The cost of duplicate content is a lot worse than most of you realize. Some businesses actually continue paying SEO contractors blindly. They’re unaware of the consequence while searching for a way to reach #1. (This is nearly impossible anyways.) Without a large amount of capital to invest in optimization you’re setting yourself up for failure – especially if you’re ranking ability is jeopardized. Using photos or copy that don’t belong to you can result in getting sued. Even more, ranking in the near future becomes a pipe dream once search engines drop your quality score and penalize you. Is that worth pulling an image from Google search results or changing some verbiage in an already published article?

If you have the money to throw at SEO, consider addressing your branded content to save yourself the stress. Relaying knowledge, success, and expertise will build the perception of your image more than duplication ever will. Copying can eventually handicap your ability to persuade someone you’re different or worth their dollar. Stay focused on handling business on a personal level and showcase the stories on other channels (such as social media). Not only will original content help you avoid consequential penalties, but it’ll help overcome an inability to be organically found.

2. Competition is a Real Life Thing.

When you set out to conquer the world with your product or service, did you think you were the only one? I hope not.. In my opinion, losing the competition battle is one of the main reasons businesses fail. I’ve literally seen companies try to do the same thing as their direct competitor and wonder what’s broken. For years I’ve seen bloggers with no knowledge in the industry curate content for businesses. This is where brand recognition comes into play. If you don’t create your own voice, vision, and solution (at least with a twist) – then what are you doing?

Sure, people can make a decent living mowing the same style lawns with the similar equipment, etc.. and that’s perfectly fine – but if you want to eventually scale and build something then you must acknowledge the need to stand out. There’s always going to be someone looking to trump one of your promotions and steal your customers. That’s why developing a seamless message and original content that doesn’t waiver from your value is important.

Once consumers see you as a viable brand, prideful in originality – it’s simply up to your retention and service. If you refuse to separate yourself then you’re risking a few bad reviews ruining your reputation for good. The more people that relate to your message and voice, the more likely they’re going to support you – no matter the circumstance. But, if you don’t take pride in highlighting what you do well then you’re limiting your potential – while giving competitors an advantage.


3. Trust is in the Eye of the Beholder.

I get a lot of slack for this belief, but I’ve seen enough to know what inevitably keeps customers engaged. Every business is different and no brand is the same. I get that. I also understand how 30 year old companies lean on grassroots – or how a monopolized need leaves consumers with no choice.. But failing to consider what a potential customer sees (especially if you want more revenue) blows my mind. I know that I’m more picky than most when it comes to where I spend my dollar – but I’m also not ignorant to the fact that a new generation is becoming adults.

Referrals aren’t going to last forever. The old days of “Mike said Jerry was good at this and he has a guy” – are coming to an end. The ability to be found and the ability to relay trust is becoming a necessity. Today, pretty much everything can be found online. If you’re out of touch with this reality then you’re missing out on opportunity. Even if you take a small portion of your time (or budget) to invest in quality trustworthy promotions you’ll see a difference. It can be as simple as an appealing customer testimonial or a detailed about me page.

Let’s Put Believability in Perspective..

When I was finally able to convince a past client to promote head shots of their physicians, there was an immediate surge in patient registration. Why did it work? People want to know the clinician that’s managing their health. How did I know? Because I asked patients what their determining factors are. Hell, I even realized I want to be able to see who I’m meeting with. If I can’t find anything online, I don’t  necessarily think somethings wrong – but it doesn’t seem right..

How Does Originality Promote Trust?

If you’re afraid of being vulnerable in order to prove you’re trustworthy, then your grassroots campaign can slowly turn into a game of telephone. Give the people want they want so they can be comfortable investing their time and money for your product or service. They want to trust you, and (in most cases) you just have to show them they can.

Posting random quotes, relevant phrases, or general imagery isn’t going to be enough to keep you on the playing field. Technology is advancing and most development surrounds efficiency and convenience. People want to know as much as they can before forking over cash. Promoting one of your actual plumbers helping a local homeowner tells a potential customer your capable. The simple fact they know it’s a real story versus a relevant photo should open your eyes.

Think about it as you shop or browse. What brand seems phony to you? Consider how much easier it’ll be to scale when people already believe in the message you’re relaying. It’s hard to do that when you’re using general imagery and content that people can’t sense and feel.

Trust me.. 😉