Capturing Authenticity with Page Carpet Cleaning
Capturing Authenticity with Page Carpet Cleaning
Working with small business owners is the best part about my job. Not only do I look forward to educating myself on their experience and value, but learning about their journey and what it's brought to their lives. Allen, from Page Carpet Cleaning, enjoyed sharing his story and teaching us about his industry. Not only has he been in business for over a decade, but he values a lot of the same core competencies that we strive to execute on a daily basis. Allen didn't want to invest in a lot of branding, but wanted to relay his person ability and attention to detail in order to stand out amongst his competition. Here are some of the photos he plans on using to further promote his business and the purpose behind the imagery we captured. Return to BlogAbout PreFocus
First Impressions Matter
We wanted to encompass Allen’s personality and welcoming demeanor. In this shot, we focused on first impressions and captured his literal authenticity as he arrived for the shoot. This is my favorite photo as everything surrounding him is white. His smile and genuine eye contact really stands out.

Introduce Your Brand
When capturing authenticity conveying confidence and credibility is key. The concept was to compliment the “first impression” with an authentic eye level smile. A customer can easily imagine this brand visual as they meet the pro for the first time. His shirt color and logo complimented the truck graphics well.

Capture Authentic Quality
A lot of consumers aren’t aware of the preparation required for cleaning carpets. After our discovery discussion, I found that Allen takes care of his equipment by monitoring how many square feet he cleans in relation to supplies used. His commitment to detail should be valued and promoted.

Showcase Capability
Allen talked about the general awkwardness of being in someone else’s home, and how he tries to participate in small talk throughout his visit. When there are children present, he enjoys showing them how his equipment works. So, we wanted to catch him in the act to promote his approachability.

Expand on the Experience
In order to establish Page Carpet Cleaning’s value, we knew it was important to highlight his process. Cleaning floors is more than dragging a scrubbing vacuum over the carpet, and Allen’s quality approach was worth capturing. Unique angles and first person perspectives make capturing authenticity even better.

Coordinate Your Presentation
Color coordination can play a big role in the way imagery is recognized and perceived. In this setting, we found a unique opportunity to match his equipment with props. Not only is this easy on the eyes, but it balances the picture so it can be used in coordination with his logo for ads.

Promote Unique Originality
When it comes to capturing authenticity for social media posts, it’s important to paint a picture of reality. Although we shot an array of pictures with steam, this one is from the viewpoint of a child from the hall, watching his room being cleaned. It’s almost an inside look at the value he brings.

Educate Your Audience
One of the suggestions I made to Allen was to begin educating his potential clients on facts regarding health and clean floors. Many people request carpet cleaning because they have to or as an annual investment – but providing information on health concerns may create more of a need.
The Purpose Behind Page Carpet Cleaning’s Enhanced Imagery.
One of the first things I chat with business owners about is brand positioning, promoted value, and clarity. Although Allen knew he needed to invest more money into his company, I wanted to detour him from wasting capital on advertising and other forms of content. If you take a look at their social media pages and website, you can see there’s a lack of originality and appeal.
After researching his industry, I knew that the saturated market wasn’t as focused on their presentation as they should be. This provided him with an opportunity to enhance his content and improve the way he stood out when people were shopping around. Not only can he use these photos for his website, but he can create a number of pieces of content that relay the value he provides his customers with. I was confident that a small facelift would help him get more customers in the door while his personable approach would take care of the rest.
Moving forward, he won’t have to focus so much time on selling as his capability, experience and personality can be easily seen in his photos. After capturing authenticity and publishing some new content, Allen felt like a new man. Now that he has a little more free time, he’s going to invest more on improvements.
Are you looking for a way to promote value?
Marketing and branding doesn’t have to be a convoluted process that overwhelms business owners and digs into their pockets. At PreFocus, we specialize in helping you find the best way to relay the purpose and quality your brand brings to the table. Whether it’s revising copy or improving your photography, there’s always a wise way to enhance your reach. So this time, PreFocus with us..