Chapter 4: Finding a Business Coach in Surprise, Arizona.

Finding a Business Coach in Surprise, Arizona.

Throughout this blog series, Jordan Trask has expanded on his entrepreneurial journey. PreFocus Solutions is a unique entity that focuses on the development of a brand's message, imagery, graphics, and other forms of professional presentation.
Our ServicesAbout PreFocus

building-a-business-overcoming-my-fears-finding-value-in-social-media-production-development-strategy-logo-and-icon-for-prefocus-by-jordan-trask-in-surprise-arizonaPiecing together an approach and building relationships can be key to your business’s success – but, consistent criticism will keep you grounded. Trying to do everything yourself can sometimes be overwhelming. When I first realized I was passionate about brand messaging and purposeful content, I knew I still had a long way to grow in order to run a business. But, reaching out to others has quickly allowed me to grow in a number of ways. Once I solidified my vision and began promoting it, I knew I needed to surround myself with people that would keep me focused and mindful moving forward. Working from home was a lot to get used to and I needed a place to turn so I could continue to grow and progress. So I started thinking..

Finding Some Friends To Grow With.

Finding friends is one thing and finding support is another. I spent a lot of time reconnecting with people to see who would be willing to push me to be better – as a man, husband, father, leader, and owner. I began telling them my story and how I found my value. Some of them provided kudos while others congratulated me on the leap of faith. Others gained a better understanding for my intent and simply respected me more. Either way, I was able to lay out my intentions and relay my commitment in a serious manner. Being up front with my desire – to find someone to hold me accountable and motivate me with same commitment – allowed them to decide if it’s a commitment they wanted to make. I knew what my focus was going to be, it simply boiled down to who wanted to play a role it my progression – and vice-versa. I’ll let you know how this plays out..

What needed up being helpful was the fact that everyone I reached out to knew a lot about my personal and professional journey. But, after meeting with them all, I realized that formulating my own structure would require guidance they couldn’t provide me with – no matter how much management experience I have. Having close friends (or similar minded people) around is beneficial, but it wasn’t going to be enough to mold me into a successful thought leader. I needed someone with business growth experience that could guide me through the highs and lows of entrepreneurship. This is where I saw the value in aligning with (or hiring) a business coach. The problem was, I had a hard time knowing who would bring out the best in me.

My Search For a Genuine Mentor and Coach.

I’m not going to lie, I’ve spent a lot of time trying to allocate the right man/woman for the job. Being a successful salesman has been great to put on my resume, but it causes me to read right through a sales pitch. I’m not very gullible – and when it comes to paying someone to provide me with something, I need to know what their intentions are. I know, I know.. It’s their livelihood and I’m not renting them to be my daddy – but am I wrong for seeking genuinity? (sp?) For the price most of them are asking, I don’t think so.. Especially when 0% budged at the proposition of trading off services.

My coaching search is essentially the purpose behind this blog post. Identifying someone to hold us accountable is an important part of start-up success. Especially for people like me who have always been managed (or held back) by a boss. Sometimes, you might not know what to do or where to turn because you haven’t experienced a certain situation before. It’s best to prepare yourself for the wave of ownership before it hits you in the face.

During my search, I started to realize that allocating people that care intrigued me the most. It also presented a challenge. Although I tried not to assume, I kept envisioning receiving advise from someone that didn’t seem genuinely interested in me. In most cases, people prefer to receive feedback from someone that’s personally invested. At the same time, you don’t want to mistake your coach for one of your friends. No matter your preference or situation, it’s wise to invest in someone that’s been there and done that. Even if it means attending a few classes requesting an business analysis.

Finding a business coach may be easy to some of you, but I want to challenge those looking to look past the BS. All coaches will have valuable experience but not all of them can provide you with the same value. The message that some of these “coaches” are telling you is eerily similar to MLM strategies. In my humble opinion, I think it’s extremely important that you clarify their capability before investing in them to alter yours. I spent plenty of time on the phone with some of these guys and it was terrible waste. I learned to understand that a majority of them are simply planning on teach me the same process they’re using on me. Get the sale, close the deal – success right?

How Finding Business Coaching Has Impacted My Story.

image-of-computer-with-blank-canvas-drawing-pad-for-professional-branding-in-west-phoenix-and-finding-a-business-coach-to-advise-you-on-marketing-initiativesEffectiveness is a very valuable trait to carry, but a personable persuader takes the cake. Think of it this way – selling something to someone once is only going to be a success, one time. Giving someone something valuable for the first time embeds the experience in their memory. Make sense?  Without going into detail on my personal sales approach, I’m basically trying to tell you to beware of the phonies because they’ll only teach you the same.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve spent a lot of time with some good dudes – but I’m still struggling with that genuine connection. Maybe my analysis is an overreaction (or I’m just needy), but it’s still my money. If I’ve learned anything over the last 3 months, it’s that patience is virtue. While I’m contemplating about where I want to put my dollars, I did want to highlight one guy I met this past week from Focal Point. Even though he’s a Broncos fan.

A Coaching Moment Worth Remembering.

I found Bob Reish in Surprise, Arizona as he was referred to me by a relationship I generated a few weeks prior. He’s conveniently located in an Office Connection and happens to be a devout Christian with many of the values I hold. Although I’m just beginning my negotiations with Bob, he left me with a quote that resonated with me well. After mentioning to him that I wanted to be more busy with productive tasks, he stopped me with a little bit of passion. He said, “Nobody should be busy, but productive.” Even though he basically said what I did, it personalized the experience for me. Now, I’m not quite ready to give him a plug (or even pull the plug), but I thought it was a great example.

No matter what I decide to do, I wanted to relay that it’s not a bad thing to seek help. Coughing up capital can be tough but try to look at what you’re going to get in return. Initially, I wanted to do everything myself – but realized I’d eventually face problems that I’ve yet to experience. To me, separating successful and failure is easy. People that fail wait until the last minute to grow – while successful people continuously grow in what they don’t know. In order to keep telling my story, I’ve decided to prepare myself for the unknown so the experience of my customers is memorable, in a good way.

Jordan Trask

Jordan Trask

President of PreFocus Solutions

Jordan is a creative entrepreneur that launched PreFocus Solutions to address that lack of brand development across multiple industries. He’s passionate about enhancing the way companies present their brand and the way it’s perceived. In this blog series, he’s been highlighting the progression of his journey in order to clarify his capabilities and improve the value he provides future partners and clients.

My Top 5 Takeaways From Allbound’s Collaborate 2016 Event in Phoenix

5 Takeaways From Allbound's Collaborate 2016 Event in Phoenix.

I'm always looking for ways to grow our capabilities while taking advantage of inspirational tactics from like-minded professionals. Collaborate 2016 was another positive experience. Allbound created the event to educate attendees on accelerated partner channels that inevitably enhance process efficiency. Not only was I able to take away the importance of sales structure, but the impact partnerships can have on retention and customer satisfaction. Here are the top 5 takeaways I had from their event at the Phoenix Convention Center.
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1. My Perspective on Purposeful Promotion is Accurate.

One of the most intriguing sessions included 5 expert speakers on social selling and engagement. Not everyone held the same perspectives, but all reiterated the importance of avoiding wasteful posting on social media. Although purposeful quantity is encouraged, it’s important to eliminate posts that sway from your brand’s voice or funnels users in another direction. People follow you for specific insight and they count on you to provide them with your angles to help them make their own decisions.

This guest panel at Collaborate 2016 expanded on social selling quite a bit. After taking in their perspectives, I realized my stance on social promotion wasn’t much different. If you’re posting to gain attention, or your message doesn’t align with your objectives – then you’re more than likely wasting valuable time while hindering your potential. This panel discussion was very encouraging to listen to.

2. Leveraging Partners that Provide Technological Value is the Future.

allbounds-partner-sales-process-promoted-at-the-collaborwte-2016-event-at-the-phoenix-convention-centerAs a start up business owner, I definitely understand the headaches surrounding project management, distribution, and consumer data. The problem is, most of us are limited and attempt to manage everything on our own. We all have the vision of scaling in the future, but what are we really doing to accomplish these goals?

Allbound opened my eyes to an array of technological advances that expedite processes and improve efficiency. Although I completely understand how investing in partnerships can be just as stressful as doing things yourself, comprehending the value they provide can create a peace of mind that paves the way for sustainability. It’s important that you avoid focusing on the investment and look at the inevitable return they can drive. Not all partnerships are beneficial to your brand, but taking advantage of those that do can make a big difference in your trek towards success.

3. A Personable Mindset Will Help You Accomplish Goals.

One of my favorite books is “intentional Living” by John C. Maxwell. In this book, he focuses on living for others. After visiting with a number of CEO’s and thought leaders, I realized they were attempting to live with intention as well. For example, the CEO of Allbound invited me to the event after reading into my personal story. Not only did he understand the difficulties of starting a business, but he knew how impactful the event could be for my brand – without thinking about what he’d get in return.

After chatting with Scott, I found that Allbound had only been in business for 18 months. His commitment to providing value ended up detouring him from his entrepreneurial journey in the service industry. Now, he’s established a niche that provides plenty of companies with solutions to their current problems and frustrations. If he didn’t take the time to be personable (along with many others at the event), I wouldn’t have considered the value that some of the companies could essentially provide me with. Collaborating with cognizance of everyone’s goals and aspirations can take you farther than you’d expect.

4. Partnerships Enhance Growth Just as Much as Marketing.

never-sell-alone-with-a-prefocus-solution-that-enhances-your-partnerships-in-phoenix-with-allbound-solftwareIf you’ve read into my story, you’ve gotten a good feel for some of my failures and frustrations. I decided to share my story so I could resonate with others experiencing the same. I knew if I showcased my value or credibility, people would begin to invest in my perspective and trust my value. Even more, I wanted to inspire people to share my journey.

This is where partnerships can truly benefit your business. My 2nd takeaway highlighted the impact that partnerships can have on processes and customer success, but influential marketing can take this a step further. Software as a service (SAAS) is an ever growing market that focuses on partnership channels. Have you ever considered what a “Google certification” or “Hubspot partner” badge can do for your website? When you think about it, most partner opportunities include brands that are established and successful. If you’re just starting up, why not invest in this alignment so their recognition can flow into your credibility. Consumers and potential clients will definitely consider your capabilities once partnered with someone that’s known for effectiveness.

5. Marketing, Selling, and Customer Service Should be Seamless.

prefocus-with-an-allbound-strategy-that-enhances-all-of-your-marketing-channels-and-influential-partnershipsAfter being a part of 4 start up companies, I completely understand the pain of ineffective processes and lack of cohesion. Attending this event allowed me to double down on my stance in regards. Too often, customers and clients are lost during the sales cycle or when a simple problem arises. In these cases, retention is effected because communication isn’t effective. Collaborate 2016 gave me some solid insight on the importance of executing the entire journey of the consumer or client. Although I’ve known the importance of efficient processes, I wasn’t as educated on some of the available systems that enhance experiences and productivity.

Most of you are aware of the hit your business can take if you lose residual revenue. But, understanding how to implement a seamless message and process can eliminate this distraction inevitably. Not only should you differentiate marketing, sales, and customer success – but you have to ensure that communication is seamless throughout. If there is a kink in the chain, then you risk losing credibility and the investment won’t seem worthwhile for those investing capital. Take time to solidify this on the front end while mapping out contingencies so you can retain clients once you close them.

Here’s a video on the purpose behind Allbound’s software vision.

Low to No Budget Marketing Ideas for Small Business.

Chapter 3: Low to No Budget Marketing Ideas for Small Business.

Low cost business ideas are valuable in the start up phase of your brand. Often times, I speak with potential clients that have invested a ton of capital in marketing spend before clarifying their message. My experiences have given me valuable insight on company promotion and I'm using it to my advantage now that I'm formulating my own business plan. With a little bit of strategy, there are plenty ways you can learn how to promote your business for free. Since I've spent quite a bit of time planning, I wanted to share more about my story and how I'm using low to no budget marketing ideas to enhance my small business growth.
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no-budget-marketing-and-affordable-ways-to-market-brand-low-cost-business-ideas-including-my-pay-per-click-developmental-process-for-company-owners-looking-to-invest-in-paid-advertising-and-16-week-social-media-strategy-building-with-an-apple-mouse-and-moneyThere are plenty of reasons that small businesses fail. Learning from our mistakes (as well as other’s) can help us reach sustainability, but uncovering potential takes things to a whole new level. My story is not much different than most start up companies as resources and marketing spend can be scarce for us new business pioneers. But, before tackling my budget, I needed to overcome my fear of failure and identify the actual value I provide. From here, I was able to establish a clear message with an identified purpose so my marketing would be effective.

Although it seemed like a never-ending process, I’m glad I invested the time. Once I clarified and memorized my vision, I knew I needed to invest in a marketing approach that maximized my budget. The problem was, I didn’t have much of a budget to invest with. I was faced with two decisions: Dump everything into an advertising reach campaign, or slowly build traction through purposeful content that expanded on my identified value.

Being the sole provider for 6, I’ve been forced to strategically market with patience. In other words, I chose the second option – but refuse to look at it as a negative. Low to no budget marketing may not provide immediate results – but realizing I’m not piling up debt or counting on a specific ROI has allowed me to stay focused on my vision. Proper planning (and a dedication to your plan) will help you perform with low cost business ideas that drive growth. Here are some affordable ideas that I’ve been using throughout my story.

building-a-business-overcoming-my-fears-finding-value-in-social-media-production-development-strategy-logo-and-icon-for-prefocus-by-jordan-trask-in-surprise-arizona1. Tell your Story & Promote your Brand for Free.

As I’ve mentioned before, far too many start up companies think launching an SEO optimized website is enough to garner a sustainable revenue. Witnessing businesses with this perspective fail has caused me to look at start up marketing from a different angle. Unless you have money to blow, why go “all in” when you’re model hasn’t even been proven yet? As far as I’m concerned, a good business idea is just an idea – and nothing more until it’s put into effect. No matter how passionate you are, you have to realize you’re not the customer. Until the model has been proven capable, don’t throw all of your eggs into one basket. If you’re just starting out, consider promoting your story for free until it’s time to scale.

Practice Your Pitch at Networking Events.

I know, I know.. Networking is overrated, right? Wrong. Although it may seem like you’re not receiving much revenue from these events, you’re garnering something even more valuable – experience and practice. Use networking to loosen the kinks in your sales pitch and eliminate any confusing banter that might hurt your conversion rates in the future. What’s the worst that could happen? You make a mistake in a room full of hungry entrepreneurs that more than likely will provide crucial feedback that sparks personal growth and improved competence? Winning..

Send Introduction Emails Instead of Sales Pitches.

Email marketing can be a drag, am I right? Especially when you’re taking the time to write something personal and purposeful. Consider a few introduction emails in place of some of your salesy ones. Number one, this will more than likely keep you out of spam folders; and number 2, it shows the recipient that their feedback or initiatives are important to you. All you’re doing is simply telling your story and expanding on your vision with a hope for support or even kudos. What’s the worst that could happen? The recipient thanks you for your interest and remembers you when a need comes about down the road? Not too shabby..

Inquire About Partnership, Volunteer, or Guest Speaking Opportunities.

Similar to my second suggestion, inquiries surrounding intrigue show that you’re hungry to provide value. Reaching out to like-minded individuals (or complimentary companies) not only gains you exposure, but relays that you’re living with intention. Aligning with an established brand can eventually provide you with credibility and support that you’re not getting by cold calling. Take the time to research upcoming events and other opportunities that can enhance the way your brand is perceived so that you’re more likely to be accepted. I don’t see any worse-case-scenarios here..

Reach Out to Contacts for Feedback.

One of the best things that I’ve invested time in is critical feedback. Before I designed my business cards and built my website, I sought constructive criticism. The best people to ask tend to be those that already care about you and your success. Once I solidified my business plan, I reached out to old colleagues, partners, and even my church congregation for feedback. Not only was I able to listen to other’s perspectives, but I was able to correct errors and clarification issues that I was blinded to. The best thing that happened? I gained 4 clients ($3900) from referrals – simply by showcasing a dedicated passion towards quality.

Allocate Recommendations from Past Value.

This approach has been huge for me. A few months ago, when I was going through my fear of failure, I found myself sparring with my own confidence. After researching ways to combat this, I was determined to highlight the successes I’ve had. Even though my strategy surrounded overcoming fear, I realized I was paving the way for credibility. I began asking past colleagues (employees, supervisors, etc) to write recommendation letters regarding my competence as a business owner and leader. Not only did this improve my confidence level, but it made me realize the impact I’ve had throughout my journey. It was so rewarding that I began reaching out to past agency clients and even partners for their opinion too. I found that no matter the response, everything was valuable to my personal growth. Even more, I was able to notify a lot of people that I was finally going into business for myself!

Taking the time to tell your story with a specific purpose can gain you a lot more traction than you think. There’s a quote by Vince Lombardi relating to this: “Practice does not make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect.” No matter how wasteful you think the above initiatives may be, practicing your pitch with like-minded, or well-known people will enhance the way you market your brand moving forward. If you can’t make sense of your vision, you can’t expect anyone else to. A perfect pitch doesn’t really exist, but passion is a perfect recipe for success. Eliminate expenses and learn how to market your business for free by telling your story.

building-a-business-overcoming-my-fears-finding-value-in-social-media-production-development-strategy-logo-and-icon-for-prefocus-by-jordan-trask-in-surprise-arizona2. Break Down your Story into Promotional Means.

Promoting your journey can be an exhilarating experience. Not only are you growing and learning, but you’re gaining a better understanding of your market niche and company objectives. My approach is no different with my clients. In order to effectively market their offering, I need to truly understand their purpose – and corresponding values, objectives and customers. Taking a brand’s story and turning it into a purposeful campaign is a great way to maximize a small promotional budget. Here’s how you can start off marketing your business for free!

Make Your Story Eventful.

Once you’ve received some feedback and told some of your contacts about your brand, it’s time to start executing a marketing plan. Now that you’ve introduced yourself, begin to explore opportunities that align with your objectives. Promote some relevant events or speaking engagements that you plan on participating in – or have already attended. Expand on your experience and the value that other’s have provided you with. Once you establish credibility, you can inquire about being featured as a speaker or sponsor. Moving forward, you’ll be able to expect well-known companies, events, people, and even groups to endorse you and the value you’ve provided them with.

Promote the Experience of Your Story.

One of the best ways to garner initial results is to highlight your perspective. This is essentially the bread and butter of what I’ve been discussing throughout this entire blog series. Stick out your chest and tell your audience about your growth, pivots, revelations, or even failures so they’re engaged through transparency. Solidifying your value isn’t considered arrogance – it’s a reassuring tactic that allows them to trust you. In most cases, people want to do business with a no-nonsense-professional that satisfies their immediate needs. Talk about the benefit your journey will have on them as well as what it’s done for your company. Show them you’re human while showcasing the value you’re capable of.

There are plenty of promotional means that enhance this approach. If you’re monetarily strapped, you can develop simple creative graphics, slide shares, and other forms of content to publish in print or online. Find affordable ways to get your message out there instead of a quantitative approach.

If you think you’re lacking content, try utilizing performance reviews, recommendation letters, certifications, partnership testimonials, or anything else that advertises your knowledge and capacity. If you’ve completed step #1, you should have plenty of material to work with. Additionally, don’t be afraid to promote the benefits of doing business with you, especially if you have a unique business model. The same goes for effective work flows or processes that enhance the customer (or partner) experience. Create case studies that touch on successful past projects or achieved objectives. All of these things are readily available to you! If you have a low startup budget, then take the time to maximize the capital you have and promote the quality you provide!

building-a-business-overcoming-my-fears-finding-value-in-social-media-production-development-strategy-logo-and-icon-for-prefocus-by-jordan-trask-in-surprise-arizona3. Invest in a Low Budget Advertising Strategy.

After you’ve invested your time and effort in discovery and uncovering, you can begin to think about a low costing advertising strategy. There are plenty of ways to execute an ad campaign but the most important factor is your customer’s agenda. For example, the last company I worked for was committed to a $2,000 monthly budget towards social media. Even though our target audience averaged 67 years of age. Be smart with your adspend, especially if you’re budget is limited! Allocate opportunities and do your best to invest your money in a strategy.

Although my belief isn’t always supported, clicks can be deceiving and inevitably very costly. If you’re going to invest in social media ads, take the time to identify which platforms your customers use and analyze their intentions while logged in. It’s better to engage them with relevant material when they’re interested vs ruining a first impression. Once they block you, you’ve lost your chance – I cannot stress this enough.

If I were to invest in low budget advertising, I’m going to spend on manual bidding through a pay-per-click platform. (Keep in mind, I may not possess the same objectives as you). This may not be “low hanging fruit” for everyone, but my experience has proven this to drive the best conversion rates and ROAS (return on ad spend). You can learn more about my PPC Strategy here. In a nutshell, we focus on extensive keyword research that allocates specific long tails that funnel user intent to spend. We don’t overbid for keywords until we’ve returned our client’s investment and taken over opportune niches. If you have a minimal adspend, please use it wisely.

At the end of the day, advertising can break your bank and there’s nothing you can do to reverse this. If you’re going to travel down this road, it’s important to at least consider a consultation before handing your budget over to an affordable PPC manager. Serving ads with a purpose can be a lot more rewarding than cheap business advertising ideas lacking purpose. If you’re unsure of the expected return, then steer clear until you have money to blow. Just my humble opinion..

building-a-business-overcoming-my-fears-finding-value-in-social-media-production-development-strategy-logo-and-icon-for-prefocus-by-jordan-trask-in-surprise-arizona4. Promote your Hunger for Success.

This is one of the easiest (and sometimes most effective) ways to promote your start up business. “Extra! Extra! Read all about it!” You’ve got to be the biggest cheerleader for your brand – you’ve got to.. One of my favorite quotes is, “Wherever you are, there’s opportunity – it’s up to you to harness it.”  There’s never an excuse to not have a handy business card for a relevant moment. Whether you’re in line at the grocery store or waiting to board a plane – promote your hunger for success!

Don’t get me wrong I’m not advising you to present a sales pitch on every occasion.. The goal here is to seamlessly position your value into a conversational opportunity. From experience, even mentioning “my business” or “this project my company was working on” can easily transition the conversation into “what is it that you do?” Once someone inquires, it shows that you’ve been accepted. Initiating acceptance leads to earning trust, which paves the way for word of mouth. If there’s one thing we all can agree on, it’s that word of mouth is a strong form of free marketing for your brand. As long as it’s positive – but, that’s on you..

The last thing I want to touch on is your level of hunger. It’s never a good thing to come off as desperate. Even if your company is struggling to stay afloat, keep the conversation positive. Remember, we’re attempting to market your hunger for success, not greed. Try to refrain from boasting and focus on your dedication to client satisfaction. Use my first 3 suggestions (above) as a guide for your talk track. Discuss the quality you long to provide and what you’ve overcome to get where you are. If you want someone to trust your company, they have to believe in your leadership – not your hunger for power and wealth. Show an interest in their initiatives and offer ways you can help them achieve their goals. Once you get the ball rolling it’ll become more casual and routine. The better you become at communicating, the more effective your sales will be. This doesn’t cost anything, guys..

Concluding My Low to No Budget Marketing Ideas.

Wow, that was a lot to take in. Throughout my journey, I’ve spent a lot of time developing my brand as well as my personal capacity. I really hope you’ve appreciated my story thus far. Moreover, I hope you’ve gained an improved understanding of my commitment to excellence through purposeful branding. No matter what I’m faced with, even if it’s a limited marketing budget, there’s always a way to execute a strategy. In order to generate competence and trust, I needed to solidify my experience and expand on my capabilities. Taking advantage of low cost business ideas has tested my patience but enhanced my company, for sure.

Hopefully this installment helps you uncover a number of ways to promote your business for free. Although it may seem time consuming, “sweating it out will eliminate doubt.” Set yourself up for success by investing in a purpose and highlighting your solution. Not only will this process help you improve your personal presentation, but you’ll begin see things from a different perspective. The more you practice, the more effective you’ll become – whether you’re selling, training, or speaking.

A growing confidence is crucial for start ups. Until you believe in your message and value, no one else will. Allow feedback to ground you while support fuels you. Work for it until you’re able to sustain, then you can begin taking chances in the unknown realm of marketing. For now, stick to ideas that work with a minimal marketing budget and control your return.  But, hey – it’s your story..

Overcoming My Fears While Building My Business in Surprise, Arizona

Overcoming My Fears After Establishing My Brand

Chapter 2 of our ongoing series: Building my Business in Surprise, Arizona.
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social-media-publication-management-2-example-photoOne of the main reasons I waited so long to invest in my own brand was my simple fear of failure. I had so much drive and ability to succeed while working for someone else, but it wasn’t enough when overcoming my fears of putting my family in a financial bind. Taking the leap was very difficult, but preparing myself was easy. This is why I wanted to share some of my concepts behind ditching the fear and getting in gear..

For most leaders, it tends to be easier to immerse yourself in entrepreneurship when you’re single and not supporting children – but doesn’t necessarily mean you’re against the odds. I leaned on this excuse for years. Even though I mentioned the benefits of being patient in my last post about finding value, I knew I had to overcome my fears before I’d be able to execute a satisfactory service to my client base.

Don’t get me wrong, I spent an extensive amount time planning for this happening. Hell, I even procrastinated by simply trying to perfect every aspect of my business model. I was in denial for the most part. After understanding the value I could provide, I still had second thoughts about myself and rightfully so. We all have something that holds us back. At the same time, nobody skips through life without failure. It’s your ability to rebound, recover, and execute that sets your success story apart. But, since I’m human like most of you, I knew I had to address some things in order to avoid tarnishing the brand I put so much effort into. Before I pulled the trigger and “bet on myself”, here are some of the ways I was able to nip fear in the butt.

Identify Past Successes and the Reasons Behind Them.

Fear of failure tends to stem from past failures you haven’t been able to let go. Even when competitive (or driven) people experience 9 wins in a row, they still harp on the 10th situation that cost them. We spend so much time over analyzing the reasoning behind our minimal failures that we forget about the mountains we climbed beforehand. Even worse, it eats at our confidence as a sense of ineffectiveness may begin to creep in.

From experience, the most impactful way to overcome this is to over analyze all of your successes – even the little ones. I’ve been fortunate enough to experience a blended family over the past 7 years. As hard as it can be, I’ve realized that we’ve made some major headway in less than a decade. Whether it be communication, child development, respect, or responsibility – my wife and I have plenty to hang our hat on. Not only am I able to reference this often, but I’ve been able to pile it on top of professional successes that have defined me as an individual. When you find yourself doubting the process, take advantage of memory lane and highlight what got you where you are today.

Invest in Personal Development or Even Counseling Services.

As aforementioned, self doubt lingers because of insecurities developed through past experiences. Identifying some of your success stories creates a boost of confidence, but digging deeper can create a sustained euphoria that drives your business. Whether you invest in a business coach, psychology specialist, or even counseling – it’s definitely worth your while.

Before I began building my home office, I decided to set aside time for weekly family counseling to overcome my biggest fear (letting down my family). I wanted to ensure they were all on board and understood what the next couple months might look like. It was amazing to be able to receive honest feedback and concerns on the front end so we could work through it before experiencing them firsthand. Not only was I able to understand perspectives, but I was able to grow as a father and husband. Allocating worse case scenarios and planning together extended everyone’s confidence level. Being on the same page over the last few months has lessened stress levels and tension while allowing me to focus more on results than the experience itself. This has been a huge relief for me.

Learn How to Face the Facts of Running Your Own Business.

The last phase of overcoming my fears allows you to put everything into perspective. Look, you’re going to fail. Whether you screw up and miss a spelling error on your website or overprice and lose a deal – it’s inevitable. Learning how to harness the reality of launching a business will help you overcome the roller coster ride of startup-dom.

Once you’re able to discover and understand certain scenarios, you can begin to plan your contingencies. As I mentioned in the last installment, I started off by offering everything under the digital sun. My confidence was solid in all phases, but I realized that my confidence could take a major hit if I failed across multiple verticals. Slowing down and keeping things simple has now allowed me to develop messaging and promotions that makes sense. I’m not sure this would have been a reality if I didn’t take the time to overcome my fears and establish a vision.

Another epiphany that sparked my intrigue was the simple fact that competition will always exists. If I really wanted to set out and provide value, why set myself up for failure by competing across multiple markets through a number of initiatives? I might be superior in a handful of ways, but building a message that relays competency et al is plain stupid. Honing in on my passion and capable skills has allowed me to develop a solution that compliments a multitude of industries while still promoting a unique value. No matter how well you do something, there will always be a competitor looking to overcome your successes. Don’t let it get to you, let it motivate you.

Understanding the challenges and inevitable failures of your brand will prepare your confidence levels while keeping you motivated with a contingency plan. Leave yourself room to pivot and frequently adjust your capabilities. If someone takes the time to provide feedback, take the time to listen and react accordingly. When you lose a potential client or a long time customer leaves, let it go. The nature of business can be refreshing, but it can also be quite frustrating if you let it get to you. Facing these facts before you go “all in” will allow you to move onto the next task without losing any sleep.

“Steer Clear of Fear to Reach Your Second Year.”

building-a-business-overcoming-my-fears-finding-value-in-social-media-production-development-strategy-logo-and-icon-for-prefocus-by-jordan-trask-in-surprise-arizonaOne of my favorite (original) quotes is the H2 title above. But, I wouldn’t have said this if I didn’t take the time to development my mindset before entrepreneurship. Although fear itself doesn’t drive failure, it sure does play a part in your outcomes. Just remember, you can only control today. If you’re able to put your best foot forward and eliminate the thoughtful distractions, you’re already half way there. Identify your mental capacity, don’t overstep your boundaries, and invest in a support group that can help you when you do. Overcoming my fears was one of the most impactful investments I’ve made. All of these things will do wonders for your confidence level and keep you focused throughout.

Allow your failures to build you up instead of bringing you down, and identify a plan to fend off insecurity that disallows potential. Every entrepreneur is going to experience setback – but, how they exit the clouds will define their reward. Thanks for taking time out of your day to hear another portion of my story. Stay tuned for the next installation about launching on a small budget.

Prepare with your own PreFocus, and best in success nonetheless!

Finding My Value While Building My Business.

Finding My Value with PreFocus Solutions

Chapter 1 in our Series: Building My Business in Surprise, Arizona.

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Launching your own business can be a stressful occasion that’s surrounded by an extensive amount of situational placement and planning. Especially when you’re attempting to support a family of 6. I first started contemplating launching my own business in 2013 when I parted ways with Enterprise Rent A Car as an operations manager. The salary was great, but the work life balance heavily impacted my creative ambition. I slowly saw myself turning into a corporate puppet going through the motions. Finding my value became rather difficult. 

The First Chapter: Finding My Value.

finding-value-in-social-media-production-development-strategy-logo-and-icon-for-prefocus-by-jordan-trask-in-surprise-arizonaFor those of you that have launched a business, you’ll know that it’s not as simple as launching a website and waiting for people to find you. A number of marketing tactics, presentational executions, relationships, and even funding opportunities play a big role in your ability to be found and heard. But, it’s important that you allow yourself to be heard, first and foremost.

When I first began brainstorming for the services I would provide potential clients, I struggled. I realized that my experience was so broad that I couldn’t necessarily pinpoint one offering to execute. I was confident in my knowledge and processes, but I wanted to present the public with a unique entity that showcased my personality and strengths. I remember mapping out my website for the first time and saying: “Man, how am I even going to manage all of this?” It was quite frustrating – I even began to fear the decision I made. Instead of ditching the uphill battle and slow-to-no income, I ended up spending a lot of time analyzing my past successes.

Not only did this motivate me to push forward, but it allowed me to understand the importance of allocating my value. Although it seemed like I didn’t accomplish much, I finally understood that my ability to present an idea in an engaging manner is what I excelled at and loved doing. This enhanced my personal reach even further. Sure, I can provide SEO services or build an e-commerce website – but I wanted to be valued. Isn’t this why most of us start our own business in the first place? I ended up coming to the conclusion that I was best at servicing the following values:

  1. Idea formulation and story segmentation.
  2. Outside of the box thinking with an intention to engage.
  3. Content and script writing for production.
  4. Developing purposeful campaigns and processes.

Incorporating Value into My Business Plan.

Instead of putting together a business model that was similar to most marketing agencies, I decided to invest my time into the artistic side of promotional criteria. Meaning, I wanted to bridge the gap between poorly developed branding and full service marketing. After working in the agency realm, I already knew there was a disconnect between agencies and their clients. It was frustrating to watch a client terminate their contract because visitors weren’t converting on-site. Especially when the main reason surrounded a confusing sales pitch that didn’t align with consumer value – or a CTA that told you what to do instead of providing a solution.

This is where I was able to expand my value in more ways than one. Not only do we advise our clients on ways to improve their message, but we develop promotional content that aligns with their objectives and specific consumer values. We want to ensure that all start ups and outdated businesses enhance the way they’re perceived. This can be done through purposeful imagery (headshots, event photos, influential graphics), cohesive resonating messaging, and design with clarity. We provide this “enhanced fix” to brands before they invest in marketing. This enhances conversion rates, drives down costs, and increases their revenue.

Good People Value Transparency.

If I wouldn’t have taken the time to assess my personal value before launching, I could be overwhelmed with uncertainty. This was the first epiphany I had over the last 60-90 days, and we’ve come a long way since. As I continue to expand on the development of my company, I want to provide transparency so readers can understand the reasoning behind our solutions.

I look forward to hearing feedback and gaining an even better understanding of what businesses truly value from a strategist. The objective behind telling our story, is to build credibility and understanding behind the value we aim to provide. Keep an eye out for my next post that touches on overcoming fear and harnessing potential when launching a business.

What Does a Content Strategist do?

What Is a Content Strategist?

A purposeful content strategy focuses on areas in the market that offer opportunity. By analyzing your competition, a content strategist identifies your brand's opportune placement and finds ways to overcome your competitor's successes. From there, they determine where to publish your content in order to drive intentful traffic with higher conversion probabilities.
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What Exactly is a Content Strategist?

Writing blogs, creating videos, and developing ads are all essential to your business. In fact, there isn’t much else out there that consistently drives traffic to your website. The purpose behind a content strategy is to essentially tell a story that provides a valuable solution to your following. Without a purpose, your blog or social media post will continue to be used for it’s information – and not your services.

Developing a content strategy is something that takes time. Although organic approaches don’t reap immediate success, they lay the foundation for your online presence. A lot of business-owners or marketers don’t have the time to spend on an effective strategy. Most agencies mimic the success of similar brands in hopes it duplicates results for their client. This will not work.

Investing in a content strategist allows you to relay the message you want to convey while identifying your ideal audience. Avoid agency checklists – as there is no definitive approach – and stop wasting time sharing content on platforms that could care less about your offering. Focus on the value you provide, and generate your strategy.

What the Process of a Content Strategy Looks like.

In order to conceptualize the events leading up to post management, it's important to understand what goes into a content strategy..

Discovery Process

Identify what success looks like to you.


Research Competition

Set yourself apart with a strategy.

Get Creative

Engage your audience with intrigue.

Content Scheduling

Publish your content on ideal platforms.

Request Information

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